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Tails Quotes

"Welcome to our camp!" Blackstar called, beckoning them with his tail. "Rest here and take your pick of the fresh-kill pile." "Who are you and what have you done with Blackstar?" Lionblaze muttered.
Erin Hunter

Authors on Tails Quotes: Mark Twain Erin Hunter Fred Astaire George Herbert Josh Billings John Steinbeck James Herriot Ally Carter Gunter Grass Suzanne Collins Louis MacNeice Eoin Colfer Ambrose Bierce Lewis Carroll Charles Darwin John Dryden A. A. Milne Victor Hugo Isha Judd Austin O'Malley Shel Silverstein James Whitcomb Riley Chris Alexander Shannon Hale Gregory Maguire Mason Cooley Empress Dowager Cixi Will Rogers Nathan Myhrvold John Green Aldous Huxley Rona Barrett James Russell Lowell
If worthless men are sometimes at the head of affairs, it is, I believe, because worthless men are at the tail and the middle
John Adams

Many a peacock hides his peacock tail from all eyes--and calls it his pride.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A traveller must have the back of an ass to bear all, a tongue like the tail of a dog to flatter all, the mouth of a hog to eat what is set before him, the ear of a merchant to hear all and say nothing.
Thomas Nashe

The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.
Rabindranath Tagore

I got some media coverage for using the tail, the ear, the oink.
Mario Batali

Peacocks have the bright feathers. Fish have the long tails. Women have the mall.
Janette Rallison

The Liberals are the flying saucers of politics. No one can make head nor tail of them and they never are seen twice in the same place.
John Diefenbaker

How come it can’t fly no better than a chicken?’ Milkman asked. Too much tail. All that jewelry weighs it down. Like vanity. Can’t nobody fly with all that [stuff]. Wanna fly, you got to give up the [stuff] that weighs you down.’ The peacock jumped onto the hood of the Buick and once more spread its tail, sending the flashy Buick into oblivion.
Toni Morrison

Say something idiotic and nobody but a dog politely wags his tail.
Virginia Graham

In times of joy, all of us wished we possessed a tail we could wag.
W. H. Auden

I've got four roommates and they all have fur and tails.
Kate Walsh

He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail.
Niels Henrik Abel

When it comes to pinning blame, pin the tail on the donkeys.
Mitt Romney

Luxury is an enticing pleasure, a bastard mirth, which hath honey in her mouth, gall in her heart, and a sting in her tail.
Francis Quarles

Your tail, is becoming too heavy to wag.
Empress Dowager Cixi

To have news value is to have a tin can tied to one's tail.
T. E. Lawrence

To ask a politician to lead us is to ask the tail of a dog to lead the dog.
R. Buckminster Fuller

Fame is like a shaved pig with a greased tail, and it is only after it has slipped through the hands of some thousands, that some fellow, by mere chance, holds on to it!
Davy Crockett

I love the horse from hoof to head. From head to hoof and tail to mane. I love the horse as I have said - From head to hoof and back again.
James Whitcomb Riley

Over the years I knew her she always looked at me like that - as though I was a quite pleasant but amusing object - and it always did the same thing to me. It's difficult to put into words but perhaps I can best describe it by saying that if I had been a little dog I'd have gone leaping and gambolling around the room wagging my tail furiously.
James Herriot

A sentence starts out like a lone traveler heading into a blizzard at midnight, tilting into the wind, one arm shielding his face, the tails of his thin coat flapping behind him.
Billy Collins

This is a fierce bad rabbit; look at his savage whiskers, and his claws and his turned-up tail.
Beatrix Potter

If I had been a little dog I'd have gone leaping and gambolling around the room wagging my tail furiously.
James Herriot

Now it's our turn to kick some tail!

Every dog has it's day, unless he loses his tail, then he has a weakend.
June Carter Cash

I had a rat-tail when I was younger. I had this nice Bobby Brown fade, with a rat-tail that was long enough to wrap around my face. I used to chew on the end and bite it.
J. Cole

I always sit in the tail end of a plane, always. You never hear of an plane backing into a mountain.
Tommy Cooper

Money can buy a fine dog but it is kindness that makes him wag his tail.
John B. S. Haldane

If I could kick the person in the tail that causes me the most problems I could not sit down for a week
Will Rogers

Above the forest of the parakeets, A parakeet of parakeets prevails, A pip of life amid a mort of tails.
Wallace Stevens

Alcibiades had a very handsome dog, that cost him seven thousand drachmas; and he cut off his tail, "that," said he, "the Athenians may have this story to tell of me, and may concern themselves no further with me.

"All right", said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.
Lewis Carroll

All along the backwater, Through the rushes tall, Ducks are a-dabbling, Up tails all!
Kenneth Grahame

Talked my head off Worked my tail off Cried my eyes out Walked my feet off Sang my heat out So you see, There's really not much left of me.
Shel Silverstein

How doth the little crocodile Improve his shining tail, And pour the waters of the Nile On every golden scale! How cheerfully he seems to grin, How neatly he spreads his claws, And welcomes little fishes in, With gently smiling jaws!
Lewis Carroll

Heads I win, tails I don’t lose much.
Mohnish Pabrai

While he has not, in my hearing, spoken the English language, he makes it perfectly plain that he understands it. And he uses his ears, tail, eyebrows, various rumbles and grunts, the slant of his great cold nose or a succession of heartrending sighs to get his meaning across.
Jean Little

The speeding reader guts a book the way the skillful clean fish. The gills are gone, the tail, the scales, the fins; then the fillet slides away swifly as though fed to a seal.
William H. Gass

Comets are like cats: they have tails, and they do precisely what they want.
David H. Levy

Chance wore a white tuxedo with tails. On anyone else? Doopy. On him? Yes, please.
Kathy Reichs

Be thou comforted, little dog, Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail.
Martin Luther

FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.
Ambrose Bierce

The wit knows that his place is at the tail of a procession.
Mark Twain

My family called me a wiggle tail because I was a little skinny, wiry kid full of energy.
Diana Ross

Breaking things is a specialty of everyone in Fairy Tail
Hiro Mashima

You think so logically... like a hawk soaring - I feel so chaotically... like a kite without a tail plummeting to earth.
John J. Geddes

This whole force is utterly demoralized by victory. There seems to be neither head nor tail.
Charles Ferguson

A pharaoh's profile, a Krishna's grace, tail like a question mark.
Louis MacNeice

One way or the other, we?ve always got to chase our tails.
Tony Stewart