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Tony Hale Quotes

American actor and producer, Birth: 30-9-1970 Tony Hale Quotes
A lot of times, you feel like you're walking on eggshells in a creative environment, because everyone's having to watch out for egos so much of the time.
Tony Hale

I kinda like Florida. It's hot as hell, but we moved to Tallahassee, which is so close to Georgia. It really wasn't Florida the way people think of Florida. It wasn't south Florida. But you could still easily drive to Panama City Beach and get a little bit of Redneck Riviera if you want that. Get some airbrushed T-shirts on, and you're done.
Tony Hale

The only bipartisan place in D.C. is Brooks Brothers.
Tony Hale

And you know, whether it's drama or comedy, the best work is based on truth. It's just that, with comedy, the circumstances are just crazy-heightened, and you have these crazy things thrown at you. But you still have to do it truthfully, because that's where the humor comes from. So it's not that difficult to cross over.
Tony Hale

What would be a show that I would rescue? If I could bring anything back, it would be 'The Carol Burnett Show'. Tim Conway is just... I just watched him so many times do stuff over and over. He's just so amazing.
Tony Hale

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If there's anything I could undo - usually when I want to undo things its like right on the moment because I look to the stuff that I go through in my life and something always comes out for a reason so I'm doing that. But, its always that when you say something that's just so asinine and so stupid, you're like, ahh, if I could just, please, have an undo button just to not say that.
Tony Hale

It's very rare to have rehearsal time on a television show: You get scripts, you show up, and you do it.
Tony Hale

Look, if I ever stop being grateful for gigs, I just need to stop. Because this business is... you know, it's just so kind of job-to-job, and the fact that I've continued working... I'm just incredibly thankful for it. And I never, ever take it for granted.
Tony Hale

Quote Topics by Tony Hale: Mean Thinking Art Sports Character Looks Opportunity Scripts Laughing Said Moments Cake Ends Childhood Needs Stupid People Kind Brooks Would Be Passionate Redneck Watches Team House Creative Believe Beautiful Summer Drama
I was telling somebody just the other day, there's technically such a hierarchy in this business. You have film, that's the ideal; then you have TV, and things like web series do not claim as much cred, but the fact is, if the material is solid and I believe and trust in the team that's involved, I don't care what format it is.
Tony Hale

Who knows whats going to happen with whole Internet Web series thing. I mean, obviously people are spending a lot more time on their computer.The great thing about it is so many short films have been done over the time and there is not a real, there is not a venue for them because everybody goes to see a feature length film so it really is a great vehicle to do these kind of short creative pieces, so its kind of fun to be a part of that and kind of see what can happen from that. But trailblazer, I don't know. I mean, that's a pretty fancy word.
Tony Hale

I always admire people who do commercials because they have to put together a beginning, a middle, and an end in 30 seconds.
Tony Hale

There are things that can only be said with a good string of cussing. I'm definitely fond of a few choice words. They say things that nothing else can say. Gotta love it.
Tony Hale

My family was very supportive of whatever I wanted because my grandfather was an opera singer. My dad's dad. So my dad has an appreciation for the arts, and he let me choose my own path.
Tony Hale

I was a creative kid; I wasn't really into sports, and sports in the South are a pretty big deal. It's like a religion down there. It was tough to find my footing, but thankfully, my parents discovered, through a neighbor, this theater called Young Actors Theater and signed me up for the summer program. It really was a gift. Even if a kid doesn't go into acting or the arts like I did, some kids need that environment to find themselves and find what they love to do. I'm so thankful for that theater; it was a big gift to me.
Tony Hale

If a D.C. event doesn't have crab cakes, it's low-rent and you need to flee.
Tony Hale

I remember doing a lot of comedy. I always loved that feeling when you do something on stage and you can feel the vibe of the audience turn, and they start laughing. It's how you know something's not right, and how to fix it, or how to make the moment stronger or funnier.
Tony Hale

I've had the opportunity to do a wide range of stuff, a lot of different characters and they've all had their own kind of thing.
Tony Hale

What's fascinating about D.C., the exteriors are these elaborate structures, this gorgeous architecture and beautiful stonework, and then you go inside and it's crap-looking - apart from the White House, which is beautiful.
Tony Hale

I grew up in the South where they are very, very passionate about sports, and I was the artsy kid who didn't know much about it. I found I kind of enjoyed the social aspect, and I enjoyed the tailgating. I went for the free food and the experience. But to this day, I'm still learning. You're not going to see me watching it by myself, but if there are nachos involved, I'm there.
Tony Hale

Like Woody Allen actually does this a lot in his movies, its kind of called magical realism where he has just kind of an everyday, these kind of everyday experiences and all the sudden something magical or supernatural will come into to and I just, I love that and I think everybody can kind of - everybody wants that at some point in their life.
Tony Hale

I'm socially awkward. What draws me to playing socially awkward characters? I think they're interesting. I'm fascinated kind of by - I mean, I know I'm sure I've got my own social awkwardness but I'm kind of fascinated by that and I lived, probably, I attribute it - I lived in New York for a long time, road the subways, saw a lot of awkwardness, but they're just interesting. They're not cookie cutter. They're usually very colorful characters. They see things different ways and, I don't know, its just a kind of - just a kind of life that interesting to me.
Tony Hale

My kind of childhood comic ideal was Tim Conway. And just because I always loved that he could do so much without saying anything and just his physical comedy. I'd love - I mean, that would be kind of a dream to have him come on and be able to act across from him.
Tony Hale