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Unattractive Quotes

I do not like candid pictures. They are so unattractive.
Rose Kennedy

Authors on Unattractive Quotes: Amy Sedaris Marcus Vitruvius Pollio Randy Alcorn Elinor Glyn Patty Duke John Gerstner Garth Nix Amy Adams Graydon Carter Roy Jenkins Cate Marvin Margery Wilson Thomas Jefferson Emily Mortimer Barbra Streisand John Maynard Keynes Laura Dave Ann Landers Frederic Chopin Rafe Spall Charlie Kaufman Helen Fielding Seth Klarman Carolyn Mahaney Edmund Wilson Mike Mills Fran Lebowitz Anne Hathaway Jean-Jacques Rousseau Maajid Nawaz Charlotte Tilbury Helen Hunt Sheri L. Dew
If there's a message, it's that the unlovable and unattractive parts of ourselves should be embraced. The only real currency between people is what happens when they're not cool. And I hope people feel OK about not being cool.
Helen Hunt

Beauty is not an exclusive club - there are no unattractive women, just some that don't know understand the power of makeup.
Charlotte Tilbury

Nothing in our times has become so unattractive as virtue.
Edward Dahlberg

Nobody says you must laugh, but a sense of humor can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the day.
Ann Landers

I have met a great celebrity, Madame Dudevant, known as George Sand... Her appearance is not to my liking. Indeed there is something about her which positively repels me... What an unattractive person La Sand is... Is she really a woman? I'm inclined to doubt it.
Frederic Chopin

The central principle of investment is to go contrary to the general opinion, on the grounds that if everyone agreed about its merits, the investment is inevitably too dear and therefore unattractive.
John Maynard Keynes

I tell people to monitor their self-pity. Self-pity is very unattractive.
Patty Duke

I choose to do unattractive people, because then I can pretend they think they're attractive.
Amy Sedaris

As an actress people always tease me like: if there's anything you can do to make yourself unattractive you will do it.
Amy Adams

Unattractive people are more obsessed with looks.
Rae Dawn Chong

Newscasters cannot call attention to themselves by being too attractive or too unattractive.
Jessica Savitch

I was a personality before I became a person.
Barbra Streisand

The unattractive thing about chauvinism is not so much the aversion to other nations as the love of one's own.
Karl Kraus

I have a tendency to hire people who tend to be unattractive to the studios. Maybe this is a bad idea.
Charlie Kaufman

If the perfect Son of God is unattractive to you, then obviously you are an unattractive person.
John Gerstner

I like to move fast, and wearing high heels was tough, and low heels with a skirt is unattractive. So pants took over.
Katharine Hepburn

Let the artist have just enough to eat, and the tools of this trade: ask nothing of him. Materially make the life of the artist sufficiently miserable to be unattractive, and no-one will take to art save those in whom the divine daemon is absolute.
Clive Bell

Here's what I think: the five most unattractive traits in people are cheapness, clinginess, neediness, unwillingness to change and jealousy. Jealousy is the worst, and by far the hardest to conceal.
Douglas Coupland

It is certainly very hard to write about sex in English without making it unattractive.
Edmund Wilson

I was an uncommonly unattractive young man.
Alfred Hitchcock

We are not beautiful because we fit the popular ideal of beauty, and we are not ugly or unattractive because we don’t measure up. Our beauty as human beings is not derived from ourselves. It comes from a beautiful God.
Carolyn Mahaney

Sadness is a super important thing not to be ashamed about but to include in our lives. One of the bigger problems with sadness or depression is there's so much shame around it. If you have it you're a failure. You are felt as being very unattractive.
Mike Mills

There is a lot of talk about a centre party - and that I might lead it. I find this idea profoundly unattractive
Roy Jenkins

Moping is an unattractive attribute in a man.
Graydon Carter

The truth is that most families have no smart ones and no pretty ones. Most families are a bunch of unattractive dopes. And it turns out that the Bush family, like most families, has no smart ones. I was not surprised to see this.
Fran Lebowitz

We have to render Islamist extremism as unattractive as communism has become today.
Maajid Nawaz

May the state fence in the harmless mentally ill solely to save its citizens from exposure to those whose ways are different? One might as well ask if the state, to avoid public unease, could incarcerate all who are physically unattractive or socially eccentric.
Potter Stewart

I find it so unattractive when women wear sneakers with their business suits. I wear a nice pair of loafers or low-heeled pumps, and that's that.
Mireille Guiliano

I've never played anyone who didn't like themselves. I don't care if they're unattractive, but it's important that they think of themselves as attractive. And I guess that's part of their charm.
Amy Sedaris

You are exposing yourself all the time as an actor. There's the risk of being thought of as bad or boring or unattractive.
Emily Mortimer

The conventionality of the English is something I find unattractive - the whole lack of joy in the physical.
Denholm Elliott

A dull speaker, like a plain woman, is credited with all the virtues, for we charitably suppose that a surface so unattractive must be compensated by interior blessings.
A. P. Herbert

In the end there is nothing more unattractive to men than radical feminism.
Helen Fielding

When my thirst for joy is satisfied by Christ, sin becomes unattractive.
Randy Alcorn

There are also half bricks. As the bricks are always laid so as to break joints, this lends strength and a not unattractive appearance to both sides of such walls.
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

My entire film career's been dependent on my ability to look unattractive.
Anne Hathaway

If only Sam could have stayed just like the Dog, she thought. A comforting friend without the complication of romantic interest.There had to be something she could do to completely discourage him, short of throwing up, or making herself totally unattractive. "I'm thirty-five," she said at last.
Garth Nix

A noiseless course, not meddling with the affairs of others, unattractive of notice, is a mark that society is going on in happiness. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy.
Thomas Jefferson

Probably one of the reasons why gushing is so unattractive is that it leaves nothing for the listener to do.
Margery Wilson

These things...they are who you are. They brought you here. To this day. You didn't give me a chance to understand that ever the unattractive parts of you, the messy parts, were something I could accept.
Laura Dave

There's nothing so unattractive as vanity... particularly male vanity.
Rafe Spall

I wish I could be attracted to unattractive women. They're just more interesting.
Dov Davidoff

The government can reasonably rely on debt ratings when it forms programs to lend money to buyers of otherwise unattractive debt instruments.
Seth Klarman

I'm always more attracted to the unattractive.
Amy Sedaris

There's nothing attractive about doing a documentary. Nothing. It's hard, hard work, and I find having all the attention of the day on me a very unattractive proposition.
Elaine Stritch

She was dull, unattractive, couldn't tell the time, count money or tie her own shoe laces... But I loved her
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I always felt big and unattractive.
Sheri L. Dew

I don't know how it is the most unattractive creatures of every nation seem to be the ones who travel.
Elinor Glyn

My worst ever car was a green Datsun B210, back when they called it 'Datsun' - now it's 'Nissan.' Very unsexy, unattractive. Girls hated the car. I was embarrassed to even be in it but it was my transportation.
Ice Cube