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Anthony Geary Quotes

American actor, Birth: 29-5-1947
I usually get up not before 9. I have a huge library - I'm a big fan of Scandinavian crime fiction - so I'll usually take a book and go off to one of my favorite bistros for a cappuccino or espresso or maybe I'll have some lovely smoked salmon for breakfast.
Anthony Geary

Usually, new producers and writers want to put their stamp on a show. They don't want to continue what's working. They want to reinvent the wheel. It's an ego thing.
Anthony Geary

I've always said, I prefer the opera to the soap - those extreme characters and circumstances.
Anthony Geary

I was a terrific liar as a child, and I believe my lies. So it's a natural step into acting.
Anthony Geary

People say 'Why would you learn Dutch? Nobody speaks it. Why not French?' Even the Dutch say that to me! I say because I want to live here, I think it's only common courtesy that I speak the language.
Anthony Geary

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They do not air 'GH' in Holland, so I don't get recognized. But the Dutch are wonderfully unimpressed with celebrity, so even if the show did play over there it probably wouldn't affect things much. It's a wonderful life and I am so blessed.
Anthony Geary

In soaps, people come back from the dead all the time, to the point where death is just a bus stop.
Anthony Geary