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Ben Stein Quotes

American actor, Birth: 25-11-1944 Ben Stein Quotes
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.
Ben Stein

If you can't stand the heat, don't go to Cancun in the summer.
Ben Stein

It's amazing what ordinary people can do if they set out without preconceived notions.
Ben Stein

I do all of the grocery shopping in my little family. I buy cheese, of many different kinds, sliced packaged meats and poultry, bagels, immense quantities of eggs, pre-made fried chicken. Milk. Bacon. It is insane how much dairy, deli and bakery stuff I buy.
Ben Stein

Every soul deserves a shot at a Cadillac, but not everyone should be guaranteed a Cadillac.
Ben Stein

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Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.
Ben Stein

Evolutionism as taught by Darwinism has nothing to say about how life originated. Has nothing to say about how the governing principles in the universe, gravity, thermodynamics, motion, how those originated. It's got some gigantic missing pieces.
Ben Stein

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... But not everyone must prove they are a citizen.
Ben Stein

Quote Topics by Ben Stein: People Thinking Men Years Mean Home America Believe Sleep Trying Successful Motivational Inspirational Media Law Life Real Children Running Ideas Country Want Israel Beautiful Lying Stars Smart Hollywood Alive Action
And now, any of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens.
Ben Stein

Faith is not believing that God can. It is knowing that God will.
Ben Stein

Yes, I spent two long years, traveling all over the United States, all over Europe, interviewing many, many, many people who had been thrown out of their academic jobs because they taught that there was a possibility of life coming from something other than Darwinism, who thought that possibly random selection and mutations didn't account for the universe, didn't account for gravity, didn't account for why nobody had ever seen an individual species evolve - no one's ever seen an individual species evolve!
Ben Stein

Jump into the middle of things, get your hands dirty, fall flat on your face, and then reach for the stars.
Ben Stein

Screaming at children over their grades, especially to the point of the child's tears, is child abuse, pure and simple. It's not funny and it's not good parenting. It is a crushing, scarring, disastrous experience for the child. It isn't the least bit funny.
Ben Stein

I don't consider an actor a star if he's paid $20 million and grimaces in front of the camera and has a stunt man stand in for him. They may be fine actors, but they're not role models. The real stars are wearing body armor in 130-degree heat . . . They're getting shot at and they don't have any stunt doubles standing in for them.
Ben Stein

What's a good investment? Go home from work early and spend the afternoon throwing a ball around with your son.
Ben Stein

If we are just specks of dust hit by lightning, if we have no spark of God in us, why not just take whatever we can and devil take the hindmost? I mean, we are fools not to do that if there is no right or wrong.
Ben Stein

The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy.
Ben Stein

As Beverly Hills becomes more Iranian-Jewish, it is becoming politically conservative.
Ben Stein

It's really amazing that in the age of unbelief, as a smart man called it, there isn't even more fraud. After all, with no God, there's no one to ever call you to account, and no accounting at all if you can get away with it.
Ben Stein

Science leads you to killing people.
Ben Stein

It isn't the rich people's fault that poor people are poor. Poor people who get an education and work hard in this country will stop being poor. That should be the goal for all poor people everywhere.
Ben Stein

You must take the first step. The first steps will take some effort, maybe pain. But after that, everything that has to be done is real-life movement.
Ben Stein

For any exam in history, here is the answer: all human history is the struggle between systems that attempt to shackle the human personality in the name of some intangible good on the one hand and systems that enable and expand the scope of human personality in the pursuit of extremely tangible aims. The American system is the most successful in the world because it harmonizes best with the aims and longings of human personality while allowing the best protection to other personalities.
Ben Stein

I cannot tell you ... how to be rich. But I can tell you how to feel rich, which is far better, let me tell you firsthand, than being rich. Be grateful... It is the only totally reliable get rich quick scheme.
Ben Stein

Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions.
Ben Stein

Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over gain, and you will grow stronger until have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember.
Ben Stein

You can do what you think you can do and you cannot do what you think you cannot
Ben Stein

Darwinism doesn't explain where gravity comes from. It doesn't explain where thermodynamics comes from. It doesn't explain where the laws of physics come from. It doesn't explain where matter comes from.
Ben Stein

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period.
Ben Stein

Darwinism is still very much alive, utterly dominating biology. Despite the fact that no one has ever been able to prove the creation of a single distinct species by Darwinist means, Darwinism dominates the academy and the media.
Ben Stein

Being a Daddy is priority number one. When you are old and facing oblivion in a nursing home or a hospital or on a golf course in winter, you are not going to wish you had spent more time at the office or making a sales call or watching a show. You will wish you had spent more time with your family.
Ben Stein

It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated... it is finished when it surrenders.
Ben Stein

I have always been very concerned that Darwinism gave the basic okay to terrible racism and to the idea of murder based upon race.
Ben Stein

Every morning, I get up, get out of bed, and get on my knees and thank God for waking up in America ... (She is) the light of the world ... A nation of heroes ... The real stars are wearing body armor on top of their battle dress uniforms in 130 degree heat and they do not have stunt doubles to come in for them when the going gets rough and the bullets and the shrapnel start flying. They are the real stars, fighting terrorism and trying to free a nation.
Ben Stein

I've never liked the idea of just having an office in a college somewhere and teaching classes and going to the library and doing research all day. I've never wanted that. The glamorous life is the life that appeals to me.
Ben Stein

A corporation's responsibility is to the shareholders, not its retirees and employees. Companies are doing everything they can to get rid of pension plans and they will succeed.
Ben Stein

Somewhere there is a map of how it can be done.
Ben Stein

It's a lot better to hope than not to.
Ben Stein

The scientific community says that if you even mention God as causes of anything scientific, you're gone.
Ben Stein

Sleep makes people calmer, more alert, less fearful - just plain happier, or so I see around me and in me. I am sure that if this great nation were to concentrate on getting more sleep, we would be a happier, more confident people, and that by itself would be a major achievement.
Ben Stein

I don't believe the most successful people are the ones who got the best grades, got into the best schools, or made the most money.
Ben Stein

We are not supposed to be all equal. Let's just forget that. We are supposed to have equal rights under law. If we do that, we have done enough.
Ben Stein

Neo-Darwinists ask us to believe in things not seen. We're not supposed to have an established religion in America, but we do, and it's called Darwinism .
Ben Stein

Men and women succeed because they find a field of endeavor that matches their interests and abilities.
Ben Stein

Sleep more at night. If it's allowed at work or home, take a nap in the afternoon. You'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel.
Ben Stein

The America that we knew as the smartest place on the planet is gone with the wind.
Ben Stein

My 'thing' is that I just lie in my immense bed and look out the window at the skyline over Virginia and the sky and the airplanes coming into Reagan. I really love doing that.
Ben Stein

Academic freedom is being lost by a great many people who dare to challenge Darwinism. That's a terrifying situation. That's contrary to the principles of science.
Ben Stein

But when I talk to people who are Darwinists or evolutionists and say, 'Well, how did life begin' - they're... they don't have an answer. I mean, they have an answer, but it's a BS answer. It's an answer that wouldn't make sense to a small child.
Ben Stein

There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere... There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals.
Ben Stein