There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you
Smith Wigglesworth
Trust in the Lord and He will honor you above all others.
I never brag, how real i keep it, cause thats the best secret.
I never boast, how genuine I remain, since that's the most precious insight.
You can't be afraid of people willing to hurt you, cause if you fear life, then you will never live
Chester Bennington
Do not be intimidated by those who would cause you harm, for if you cower from life, then you will never experience it.
If what you hear preached doesn't cause faith to come and build faith in your spirit, then it either isn't the Word of God or else you're not hearing it
Kenneth E. Hagin
If that which is proclaimed does not create and bolster confidence in your soul, then it either isn't the Lord's Word or else you aren't listening.
The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless.
Immortal Technique
The goal of life is an existence with intention. Thus, I would rather perish for a cause than endure a futile life.
The knowledge of anything, since all things have causes, is not acquired or complete unless it is known by its causes.
The comprehension of anything, owing to all things possessing causes, is not obtained or exhaustive unless it is understood by its origins.
Be good to yourself 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy.
George Michael
Cherish yourself, as no one else can bring you joy.
All my weak days have a common cause - I have neglected communion with God through my neglect of the Scriptures & prayer. When will I learn?
Paul Washer
My lack of spiritual fortitude can be attributed to ignoring my relationship with the Lord through shoddy Bible study and prayer. How much longer will it take for me to understand this?
Cause nothing really is and everything really isn’t.
Jhene Aiko
Nothing is certain and nothing is absolute.
Don't tell me what was said about me. Tell me why they were so comfortable to say it to you.
"Don't relate to me what was uttered about me. Explain why they felt at liberty to express it to you."
Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you The one you love, not the person that'll simply have sex with you Appreciate them to the fullest extent, and then beyond 'Cause you never really know what you got, until it's gone
Immortal Technique
Those who fight in God's cause will be victorious.
Saddam Hussein
Those who wage war in the name of the Almighty will triumph.
To be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
To be authentic leads to ostracism by many, yet conforming to the desires of others results in alienation from our true selves.
With the people, for the people, by the people. I crack up when I hear it; I say, with the handful, for the handful, by the handful, cause that's what really happens.
Fannie Lou Hamer
'For the select few, by the select few; I chuckle when I hear it; I say, for the elite, by the elite, as that is what truly transpires.'
One finger up, and I'm out
Cause you ain't even worth two
Lil Wayne
One word and I'm done, since you're not deserving of a second.
Just as food causes chronic disease, it can be the most powerful cure
Just as food can be a source of sickness, it can also be the most potent remedy.
When we speak for the poor, please note that we do not take sides with one social class. What we do is invite all social classes, rich and poor, without distinction, saying to everyone let us take seriously the cause of the poor as though it were our own.
Oscar Romero
The slower but consistent tortoise causes less waste and is more desirable than the speedy hare that races ahead and then stops occasionally to doze. The Toyota Production System can be realized only when all the workers become tortoises.
Taiichi Ohno
I’m cool with nothing cause even nothing is something
Jhene Aiko
I'm content with nothing since even nothing is something.
Success, like happiness, is the unexpected side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.
Viktor E. Frankl
Achievement, similar to joy, is an unforeseen consequence of one's commitment to a mission bigger than oneself.
Italian journalism is free because it serves one cause and one purpose... mine!
Benito Mussolini
'Italian journalism is independent because it stands for one cause and one aim... my own!'
Every thought is a cause & every condition is an effect. Change your thoughts & you change your destiny.
Joseph Murphy
'Every notion is a source & every outcome is a consequence. Modify your musings & you alter your fate.'
To find a cause that's larger than yourself and then to give your life to it.
Shimon Peres
Unearth a mission beyond your existence and commit to it wholeheartedly.
It may be providence's will that the cause I represent may prosper more by my suffering than by my remaining free.
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
It may be that it is the destiny of the cause I stand for to benefit more from my tribulations than had I stayed unencumbered.
Let the free people of the world know that we could have bargained over and sold out our cause in return for a personal secure and stable life. We received many offers to this effect but we chose to be at the vanguard of the confrontation as a badge of duty and honour.
Muammar al-Gaddafi
Conservation is a cause that has no end. There is no point at which we will say our work is finished.
Rachel Carson
Preservation is an objective that has no conclusion. There will never be a time where we proclaim our labor to be done.
Be careful of the ones that always wanna get you high, cause when the time comes, that one'll let you die.
Beware of those who constantly tempt you to indulge, for when the moment arises, they will abandon you.
When you are willing to make sacrifices for a great cause, you will never be alone.
Coretta Scott King
When you are prepared to forgo certain luxuries for the greater good, you will never be abandoned.
Momma tried to raise me better, but her pleading I denied, and that leaves only me to blame, cause Momma tried.
Merle Haggard
Mother attempted to bring me up rightly, but I rejected her entreaties, and that only leaves me culpable, for Mother endeavored.
Pimpin' ain't dead 'cause I be the life line.
Lil Wayne
'I'm keeping pimpin' alive with my vitality.'
Force when aggressively applied is "violence" and is, therefore, morally unjustifiable, but when it is used in the furtherance of a legitimate cause, it has its moral justification. The elimination of force at all costs in Utopian.
Bhagat Singh
Belief in limitation is the one and only thing that causes limitation.
Thomas Troward
Confidence in restraints is the only source of confinement.
Cause I am a Superwoman,
Yes I am,
Yes she is,
Even when I'm a mess,
I still put on a vest,
With an S on my chest,
Oh yes,
I'm a Superwoman,
And all my sisters,
Coming together,
Say yes I will,
Yes I can
Alicia Keys
You know why they hate me, cause they love me.
Lil Boosie
'They envy me because of the admiration they have for me.'
Republican is fine, if your a millionaire. Democrats is fair, if all you own is what you wear. Neither of them's really right, cause neither of them care.
Frank Zappa
'The wealthy will thrive under the Republicans, while the destitute find solace in the Democrats. Neither is truly just, for both disregard.'
I will cause a boy who drives a plow to know more of the scriptures than the pope.
William Tyndale
I will ensure that an individual who ploughs the field has a greater mastery of holy writings than the Bishop of Rome.
A true patriot would keep the attention of his fellow citizens awake to their grievances, and not allow them to rest till the causes of their just complaints are removed.
Samuel Adams
A loyal nationalist would stimulate the awareness of his compatriots as to their grievances and not permit them to be pacified until their valid complaints are remedied.
The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland, and the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour
James Connolly
The fate of Workers is the fortune of Ireland, and the fortune of Ireland is the fate of Workers.
Buy me a drink, sing me a song; take me as I come, cause I can't stay long.
Tom Petty
Purchase me a beverage, croon me a melody; accept me as I am, for I cannot linger.
No cause, no God, no abstract idea can justify the mass slaughter of innocents.
Edward Said
There can be no justification for the slaughter of the blameless.
Success can also cause misery. The trick is not to be surprised when you discover it doesn't bring you all the happiness and answers you thought it would.
Achievement can also bring suffering. The key is not to be shocked when you find out it doesn't give you all the joy and solutions you expected it would.
Those who are quiet will always cause riots.
Dr. Dre
Those who remain silent will always incite unrest.
There are times when you devote yourself to a higher cause than personal safety.
John Glenn
Commit oneself to a noble purpose despite the risk.
If God causes you to suffer much, it is a sign that He certainly intends to make you a saint.
Ignatius of Loyola
If God bestows upon you intense tribulation, it is an indication that He certainly intends to sanctify you.
Music is a beautiful thing to listen to. It is not a thing to preach to others about, it’s not a cause. It is what it is-and that’s a beautiful artform.
Synyster Gates
'Music is an exquisite sound to be heard. It should not be used as a tool for evangelism, nor should it serve as a platform to express certain beliefs. It simply is what it is-a captivating form of art.'
The pain that we cause is the cause of our pain.
Leif Erikson
'The suffering we inflict is the source of our distress.'
I believe that life is meaningless without hope, which is really what that line is about. Without hope, what are we living for? I wouldn't wanna see where exactly I'd be in five years. I wouldn't wanna know my exact date of death. I wouldn't want to know my exact cause of death. Certain things I just want to allow to take place rather than just have the knowledge beforehand.
Joe Budden
Personal greed and egoism are things that cause human beings to forget respect for others and to violate rules that have been established for the sake of peace and friendship.
Mas Oyama
Self-interest and narcissism are things that lead humans to disregard others and transgress the regulations put in place for harmony and camaraderie.
A free, virtuous, and enlightened people must know full well the great principles and causes upon which their happiness depends.
James Monroe
A liberated, moral, and educated populace must be cognizant of the cardinal tenets and foundations on which their prosperity relies.
I'd like to be a jellyfish, 'cause jellyfish don't pay rent.
Jimmy Buffett
I yearn to be a jellyfish, as they do not have to worry about housing costs.