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Fuel Quotes

I found out that the things that hurt us the most can become the fuel and the catalyst that propel us toward our destiny. It will either make you bitter or it will make you better.
T. D. Jakes

I discovered that the adversities we face can become the driving force and impetus behind our destiny. These hardships will either break you down or build you up.
Authors on Fuel Quotes: Bill McKibben Barack Obama Michael Pollan Christopher Flavin Sylvia Earle Richard Branson Brené Brown Veerappa Moily Ayn Rand Dallas Willard Thomas Friedman Van Jones Lester R. Brown Joe Bastianich Wendell Berry George Eliot Mark Ruffalo Josh Tickell Charlie Sheen Bernie Sanders William H. Calvin David Goodstein Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Allison Holker Stevie Wonder Gregg Easterbrook Philip Sidney Michael Jordan Alan Cranston Thomas Fuller Layman Pang John Hagelin Al Gore
I believe in natural gas as a clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels.
Nancy Pelosi

I espouse natural gas as an environmentally friendly and economical substitute for fossil fuels.
When you encourage someone, it literally changes their brain chemistry to be able to perform... sends fuel to the brain.
Henry Cloud

When you bolster someone, it literally alters their neurological structure to be capable of doing... furnishes fuel to the mind.
If you continue to work hard, let that be the fuel to your fire.

Figure out what fuels your joy, then do lots of that
Bob Goff

Desire is a bonfire that burns with greater fury, asking for more fuel.
Sathya Sai Baba

In addition to contributing to erosion, pollution, food poisoning, and the dead zone, corn requires huge amounts of fossil fuel - it takes a half gallon of fossil fuel to produce a bushel of corn.
Michael Pollan

Chicken fat, beef fat, fish fat, fried foods - these are the foods that fuel our fat genes by giving them raw materials for building body fat.
Neal Barnard

The more we pour the big machines, the fuel, the pesticides, the herbicides, the fertilizer and chemicals into farming, the more we knock out the mechanism that made it all work in the first place.
David R. Brower

Worship is our response to what we value most. As a result, worship fuels our actions, becoming the driving force of all we do.
Louie Giglio

The inner master, when confronted with an obstacle, uses it as fuel, like a fire which consumes things that are thrown into it. A small lamp would be snuffed out, but a big fire will engulf what is thrown at it and burn hotter; it consumes the obstacle and uses it to reach a higher level.
Marcus Aurelius

Inner happiness actually is the fuel of success.
John Hagelin

Lay siege to your sins, and starve them out by keeping away the food and fuel which is their maintenance and life.
Richard Baxter

Pasta is the one food I can't live without. It's the food I eat to fuel my running.
Joe Bastianich

Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery - celebrate it if you feel like it.
Jim Jarmusch

Our dependence on fossil fuels amounts to global pyromania, and the only fire extinguisher we have at our disposal is renewable energy.
Hermann Scheer

High gas prices are eating away at consumers disposal income and could lead to a further economic downturn, especially for those whose livelihood depend on gasoline and diesel fuel.
Major Owens

Motorists who want to save money on gas will demand and buy more fuel-efficient vehicles. We should not limit their freedom with more government regulations.
Jim DeMint

These things are happening in large measure because of us. We in this country burn 25 percent of the world's fossil fuel, create 25 percent of the world's carbon dioxide. It is us - it is the affluent lifestyles that we lead that overwhelmingly contribute to this problem. And to call it a problem is to understate what it really is. Which is a crime. Crime against the poorest and most marginalized people on this planet. We've never figured out, though God knows we've tried, a more effective way to destroy their lives.
Bill McKibben

For gin, in cruel sober truth, supplies the fuel for flaming youth.
Noel Coward

Carbs - especially pasta - are the fuel my body needs to maintain an athletic lifestyle.
Joe Bastianich

When there are doubters, it always fuels the fire a little bit. When people say you can't do something, if you are a competitor, that drives you.
Ben Roethlisberger

Failure is a fuel for excuses.
Jet Li

If you want the fire of God, you must become the fuel of God.
Tommy Tenney

Its operation in a world beset by fuel and energy crises makes no sense at all.
Alan Cranston

Pain is fuel for a fitter world
Hrithik Roshan

Fear of failure is what fuels me, keeps me on edge and sharp. I'm not as good when I'm comfortable.
Alex Rodriguez

My advice is find fuel in failure. Sometimes failure gets you closer to where you want to be.
Michael Jordan

The revelation of God is the fuel for the fire of our worship
Matt Redman

When you feel humiliated or things like that, you either use it as fuel to change or you get covered by it.
Diane von Furstenberg

Inconsiderate, rude behavior drives me nuts. And I guess the inconsiderate rudeness of social ineptitude definitely fuels my work.
Cindy Sherman

When we meet grace, it becomes the fuel of our faith. We pray, we read our Bibles, we worship and we live the purest lifestyle we can because we love a person.
Judah Smith

What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.
Caroline Myss

If we want to build the Iraqis' confidence about our intentions in their country, if we want to stop adding fuel to the fire of insurgency and terrorism, we must clarify our intent.
John Conyers

Nuclear power is an important part of our domestic fuel mix.
Michael C. Burgess

We can no longer continue feeding our addiction to fossil fuels as if there is no tomorrow. For there will be no tomorrow.
Desmond Tutu

Love, like fire, goes out without fuel.
Mikhail Lermontov

Money cannot buy the fuel of love but is excellent kindling.
W. H. Auden

Knowledge is simply a kind of fuel; it needs the motor of understanding to convert it into power.
John Wyndham

All the hatin just fuels to my fire.

We can either save the planet from catastrophic warming, or protect fossil fuel CEOs. Not both. Do the math(s)
Bill McKibben

The only time an aircraft has too much fuel on board is when it is on fire.
Charles Kingsford Smith

Life without emotions is like an engine without fuel.
Mary Astor

Climate change is real, caused by human activity and already devastating our nation and planet. The United States must lead the world in combating climate change and transforming our energy system away from fossil fuels and toward energy efficiency and sustainability.
Bernie Sanders

Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.
Charlie Sheen

Congress allows lemonade to the members and has it charged under the head of stationery-I move also that whiskey be allowed under the item of fuel.
Davy Crockett

I eat the same way Doc Brown fuels the DeLorean at the end of Back to the Future.
Kyle Kinane

Well it's the hurt I hide that fuels the fires inside me
Ray LaMontagne

Now I see that I will never find the light Unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel, Consuming myself.
Bruce Lee

We don't know how to use energy or what to use it for. And we cannot restrain ourselves. Our time is characterized as much by the abuse and waste of human energy as it is by the abuse and waste of fossil fuel energy.
Wendell Berry