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Iris Apfel Quotes

Iris Apfel Quotes
I never felt pretty. I don't feel pretty now. I'm not a pretty person. I don't like pretty. So I don't feel badly. And I think it worked out well, because I found that all the girls I know who got by on their looks, as time went on and they faded, they were nothing. And they were very disappointed. When you're somebody like myself, in order to get around and be attractive, you have to develop something, you have to learn something, you have to do something. So you become a bit more interesting.
Iris Apfel

Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There’s no how-to road map to style. It’s about self-expression and, above all, attitude.
Iris Apfel

Attire you can buy, but class you possess. The key to class is discovering yourself, which takes time. There’s no roadmap to elegance. It’s about articulating oneself and, ultimately, mindset.
I say, dress to please yourself. Listen to your inner muse and take a chance. Wear something that says 'Here I am!' today.
Iris Apfel

I encourage you to express yourself through your clothing. Listen to your instincts and take a risk. Dress in a way that embodies your true self today.
When you don't dress like everybody else, you don't have to think like everybody else.
Iris Apfel

'When you adorn a distinctive style, you don't have to conform to the same thought process.'
If you don’t learn constantly, you don’t grow and you will wither. Too many people wither on the vine. Sure, it gets a little harder as you get older, but new experiences and new challenges keep it fresh.
Iris Apfel

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You're not pretty, and you'll never be pretty. But, it doesn't matter. You have something much better. You have style.
Iris Apfel

'You may not possess conventional beauty, but you have an inimitable flair.'
I don't have any rules, because I would only be breaking them, so it's a waste of time
Iris Apfel

'It's not worth my while to set regulations for myself, as I'm sure to disregard them anyway.'
More is more and less is a bore.
Iris Apfel

'Magnitude is preferable to modesty.'
Quote Topics by Iris Apfel: Thinking Fashion People Style Looks Mother Years Fun Dresses Wells Girl Trying Simple Important World Matter Want Clothes Giving School Nice Husband Choices Ifs Gay Might Home Hair Shoes Eyeglasses
I don’t care what people think…I learned a long time ago…I was 19 and had a very traumatic experience….and I learned that I have to go to bed with myself at night and that I have to please myself…and as long as I don’t go out of my way to offend anybody that I love, upset my mother or my husband…I’ll do my own thing. And if the public doesn’t like it, it’s their problem, not mine.
Iris Apfel

You have to be interested. If you're not interested, you can't be interesting.
Iris Apfel

You must be captivated. If you're not engaged, it won't be engaging.
If you can't be pretty, you have to learn to make yourself attractive. I found that all the pretty girls I went to high school with came to middle age as frumps, because they just got by with their pretty faces, so they never developed anything. They never learned how to be interesting. But if you are bereft of certain things, you have to make up for them in certain ways. Don't you think?
Iris Apfel

I’m a hopeless romantic. I buy things because I fall in love with them. I never buy anything just because it’s valuable. My husband used to say I look at a piece of fabric and listen to the threads. It tells me a story. It sings me a song. I have to get a physical reaction when I buy something. A coup de foudre – a bolt of lightning. It’s fun to get knocked out that way!
Iris Apfel

I was never hurt by what anybody said about my clothes, because I dress to please myself. If somebody doesn’t like what I’m wearing, it’s their problem, not mine
Iris Apfel

I never allowed anyone's remarks about my clothing to wound me, because I dress for my own gratification. If a person doesn't like what I'm wearing, that is their issue, not mine.
You only have one trip. You might as well enjoy it.
Iris Apfel

'Make the most of your journey - you only have one chance.'
You don’t have to look like an old fuddy-duddy, but I believe it was Chanel who said, ‘Nothing makes a woman look so old as trying desperately hard to look young’. I think you can be attractive at any age. I think trying to look like a spring chicken when you’re not makes you look ridiculous.
Iris Apfel

You have to look in the mirror and see yourself. If it feels good, then I know it's for me. I don't dress to be stared at, I dress for myself.
Iris Apfel

I must examine myself in the reflection and ascertain if it is something I desire. I don't dress for others' scrutiny, but rather for my own satisfaction.
If you hair is done properly and you're wearing good shoes, you can get anyway with anything.
Iris Apfel

If your coiffure is impeccable and your shoes are of good quality, you can achieve anything.
I think jewelry can change an outfit more than anything else. Transformation, punch, individuality: One or all of the above are why you should wear jewelry.
Iris Apfel

I believe jewelry can dramatically alter an ensemble more than any other accessory. Modification, impact, uniqueness: All of these are reasons why you should don jewelry.
If you're lucky enough to get old, I think you should celebrate it.
Iris Apfel

If you are fortunate to reach advanced years, I believe it should be commemorated.
Fashion you can buy, but style you possess.
Iris Apfel

'Clothing can be acquired, but grace is innate.'
I see myself as the world's oldest living teenager... I try to get as much kick out of things as possible.
Iris Apfel

If there was a choice on spending a lot of money on accessories or dress, I always chose accessories. I think jewelry can change an outfit more than anything else.
Iris Apfel

I think if women put some more of the time and money they put on their heads in their heads, they’d be better off.
Iris Apfel

I just never want to completely grow up.
Iris Apfel

To lead the good life in New York, the two most important things for a woman are a chauffeur and a fur-lined raincoat. If you have those two things, you’re made.
Iris Apfel

When the fun goes out of getting dressed, you might as well be dead.
Iris Apfel

I'm a color person, I've never been known to play it safe. Plus I like big bags. My eyeglasses are so big; they don't fit into smaller bags.
Iris Apfel

I’m a great believer in common sense, and the older I get I see that common sense is not that common
Iris Apfel

I had to be my own person and live my own life if I wanted to be happy, and I just did it.
Iris Apfel

My mother worshipped at the alter of accessories and I got the bug. She always said, if you have a good, little, simple black dress and you have different accessories, you can have 27 different outfits.
Iris Apfel

If you put something together and it doesn't look so good, the fashion police are not going to come and take you away. And if they do, you might have some fun in jail.
Iris Apfel

To find out who you are is like putting yourself on a psychiatric couch, but you have nobody to help you. Really it isn't easy. I was talking with my nephew this morning and he gave me one of the best quotes I've heard in years 'Personal style is curiosity about oneself.'
Iris Apfel

Style is attitude, attitude, attitude!
Iris Apfel

I always feel that if you're gonna be uncomfortable and unhappy in something, just because you think it's in or it's chic, I would advise you to be happy rather than well-dressed. It's better to be happy.
Iris Apfel

People would always say to me, "Why are you wearing such large frames?" And I would say, "The bigger to see you."
Iris Apfel

My look is either very baroque or very Zen – everything in between makes me itch.
Iris Apfel

Being attractive lasts longer than being pretty.
Iris Apfel

I never just went to look for clothes and style; I always find that wherever I go.
Iris Apfel

Never be afraid to stop traffic.
Iris Apfel

Coco Chanel said take one thing off. I always said put another one on.
Iris Apfel

I do have a dominant shopping gene but, unlike a reasonable person, I never plan for what I need each season. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, the discovery and the endless search. In another creation I was, perhaps, a hunter/gatherer. After all these years, I’ve learned that it’s not the end result or finished product but the process I most enjoy. If my experimenting, searching and juxtaposing turns into an exciting outfit well, it’s just a big fat bonus!
Iris Apfel

These are things I love, things I've worn. I get more compliments on accessories than anything else. I think they're kind of like herbs and spices. They give zest and zing to an outfit.
Iris Apfel

I'm happy if I can help anybody. I'm more than happy to, but you have to find your own path.
Iris Apfel

When you're older, no matter how good your humor is you don't always feel perky and peppy. But if you sit home all day and brood about it, it gets worse.
Iris Apfel

Jewelry is the most transformative thing you can wear.
Iris Apfel

I'll spend more time getting dressed than I spent at the actual event.
Iris Apfel

In my view you can't go to the future if you haven't come from the past.
Iris Apfel

Humor is important in everything. Dress with a little humor and you can go a long way.
Iris Apfel

I just mix and put things together the way the spirit moves me.
Iris Apfel

I never had a fondness for gems or the extravagance of Harry Winston or Van Cleef & Arpels. I've always liked the more flamboyant, imaginative things. I lusted after costume jewelry. My husband was a very lucky man.
Iris Apfel