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Janet Morris Quotes

Janet Morris Quotes
Gods have bloody hands.
Janet Morris

Always take responsibility for your past. It is your only collateral in life. Unless you despise yourself now, you cannot despise yourself then. Everything you did is a part of the process that brought you here. All your past is as alive and real as your so-called 'present.'
Janet Morris

The universe forgives those who give until their hearts are aching and their spirits weak, and finds a way to renew all strength and cure all ills, in this world or the next, if a soul can just have faith.
Janet Morris

There must be a corps that will battle for righteousness, for there are endless battalions who serve unrighteousness.
Janet Morris

Generosity is never out of season.
Janet Morris

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Listen close and you can hear, Please, bless us and forgive us, and make us good here and strong here. Let us get along here. Let those we love and left behind be blessed. Let us find the proper path and keep to it. Help us act harmoniously, and find work pleasing in the sight of god and man.
Janet Morris

You get what you expect. Expect to heal. Expect victory.
Janet Morris

Nature has a surer plan than mortals can devise.
Janet Morris

Quote Topics by Janet Morris: Loyalty Love Commitment War God Destiny Men Fighting Risk Responsibility Fate Determination Ontology Battle Life Death Heart Nature Revenge Discipline Time Honor Horse Power Survival Hands Sleep Giving Winning Betrayal
It was his soul's freedom that was in question. And that question was whether freedom was worth the price when it meant shirking the responsibilities of honor.
Janet Morris

You three have done quite enough today: all of you and your feckless, treacherous god.
Janet Morris

Tempus never left a problem for another to solve. Tempus never let the pain or difficulty of an undertaking persuade him not to pursue a resolution his heart thought was right. Tempus never gave up.
Janet Morris

There must be love, and understanding, to betray. Most men haven't the wit or the honor for betrayal: not to know it when they see it; not the stomach to apprehend it as they do it. Most men, blind and dumb in their self-centeredness, don't betray: they merely disappoint.
Janet Morris

So well do I love you, I go to my god singing your praises. When I meet my father, I will tell him I fought beside you.
Janet Morris

One man, one horse, one holocaust on demand.
Janet Morris

You have crossbows: Shoot early; shoot often.
Janet Morris

If, as you teach, the universe has no beginning and no end, why should we?
Janet Morris

One to a customer was the rule: one body; one mind; one swing through life. - Tempus
Janet Morris

It is hard to battle anger, for whatever it wants it pays from the soul.
Janet Morris

All gods are tricksters, and war gods worst of any.
Janet Morris

Be careful what you pray for.
Janet Morris

Men make their own fates - it's personal, not a matter for debate.
Janet Morris

Look around you. It's an honor to fight beside you. Today we choose to fight. For the freedom to fight on other days. So we remember what's worth fighting for.
Janet Morris

Go carefully, child of mat, where no mercy can be had, and let your faith lead you on.
Janet Morris

And what do the Theban hoplites see in this extended rending of the sky, this white-bright glory of Enlil's lightning? The future, but not theirs: paired cavalry fighters; formed ranks of armored death; grim men on their tall horses with lightning limning weapons tailored to the task; men spoiling for a fight if the gods allowed - the Sacred Band of Stepsons, out from shadows and the dark.
Janet Morris

"Godling? Demigod?" Lysis nearly howled. "You'd be beaten black and blue in Thebes, and staked out overnight for claims like that. In Sparta, the secret police would ambush you, violate you, skin you alive and use your skull for a drinking cup."
Janet Morris

Fight for life itself and everlasting freedom of the human spirit.
Janet Morris

Be polite to all, friendly to none. Be professional. Be ready to kill everyone and everything.
Janet Morris

This was what men fought for, what men died for: a chance at life, and to fight on other days - the battle of your choice, of the body, or the heart, or the soul.
Janet Morris

Life was never simple, happiness never where you thought you'd left it, and right and wrong no more fixed than clouds in the sky.
Janet Morris

To take care of the world seemed, finally, a privilege rather than a burden. The Riddler had led them to life's greatest victory. They had found a home.
Janet Morris

Nothing walks the earth more savage than a mare enraged.
Janet Morris

Then what difference does human striving make: mortal struggle, valor, pain? If you live, then live for the test of spirit, for the celebration of the heart. Live to fight on other days. Lose your beloveds one by one. And remember. Exalt the kiss of friend and horse and wind and sun, which venality cannot cheapen nor stupidity belittle.
Janet Morris

The Riddler says you make the world better one battle at a time.
Janet Morris

For Harmony. A chance at life. To fight on other days.
Janet Morris

Wisdom, Niko thought as he leaned his cheek against his long-handled rake, cannot be had without price. And that price is blood. The sound of it in your veins. The pound of it in your head. The volume of it in a human body; the sickness when you've spilled it.
Janet Morris

Deception is a tactic: use it. Do whatever it takes to win.
Janet Morris

Humans create their futures every day of every year; only you can alter your worlds.
Janet Morris

"Dreamers and dreaming dead, lots of them from neither here nor there with no chance of getting home again, lost in place and time.
Janet Morris

Something is going on everywhere, most of which no one understands.
Janet Morris

Proof of war, when it comes, always comes too late.
Janet Morris

Shed your mortal skin and let me take you beneath the waves.
Janet Morris

Men are fools who forget what really matters while time goes by.
Janet Morris

When the balance is restored, people get hurt.
Janet Morris

It's all right. Things as they once were will never be again, but it's all right.
Janet Morris

Fury from the heavens; fury at the gods - inseparable.
Janet Morris

Honorable battle sustains a Sacred Band.
Janet Morris

Don't forget, Riddler, how I love thee. Or all we shared together. Or that this sea and all other seas can lead you back to me.
Janet Morris

Something awful is always going to happen, Arton. It's Sanctuary. You're a Stepson. Awful is a big part of your job.
Janet Morris

Die never for a god, Nikodemos who should know better - not your soldiers' god, nor any other.
Janet Morris

You're not one to take lightly, to love of for an evening and leave of a dawn.
Janet Morris