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Joel Osteen Quotes

American pastor, Birth: 5-3-1963 Joel Osteen Quotes
You need to associate with people who inspire you, people that challenge you to raise higher, people that make you better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important.
Joel Osteen

Don't waste your energy trying to convince people to understand you. Your time is too valuable to try to prove yourself to people.
Joel Osteen

Do not expend effort attempting to persuade people to comprehend you. Your period is too precious to attempt to demonstrate your worthiness to others.
I don't have to figure out how God is going to solve my problem. I don't have to understand how He's going to bring it to pass. That's His responsibility. My job is to simply believe that He will.
Joel Osteen

'I don't need to discern how God is going to settle my difficulty. I don't have to comprehend how He's going to make it occur. That's His obligation. My duty is merely to trust that He will.'
Difficult times don't come your way just so you can survive them; God uses these times in your life to form and refine you.
Joel Osteen

'Adversities are not meant to merely be endured; rather, God uses them as a means of moulding and perfecting you.'
The first place we lose the battle is in our own thinking. If you think it is permanent then it's permanent. If you think you've reached your limits then you have. If you think you will never get well then you won't. You have to change your thinking. You need to see everything that's holding you back, every obstacle, every limitation as only temporary.
Joel Osteen

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Life is too short to live that way. Learn to travel light. Every morning when you first get up, forgive the people that did you wrong the day before. Forgive your spouse for what they said. At the start of the day, let go of the disappointments, the set backs from yesterday. Start every morning fresh and new. God did not create you to carry around all that baggage. Let it go and move forward in the life of blessing He has in store for you!
Joel Osteen

See, when you drive home today, you've got a big windshield on the front of your car. And you've got a little bitty rearview mirror. And the reason the windshield is so large and the rearview mirror is so small is because what's happened in your past is not near as important as what's in your future.
Joel Osteen

Never put a question mark where God has put a period. When something is over and done, let it go and move on to the next chapter of your life.
Joel Osteen

Allow closure and progress to the next stage of your existence.
Quote Topics by Joel Osteen: People Inspirational Thinking Believe God Heart Dream Life Blessing Want Giving Destiny Trying Christian Attitude Jesus Letting Go Needs Blessed Way Mean Mistake Faith Forgiveness Father Victory Opportunity Disappointment Years May
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life.
Joel Osteen

Opting to maintain an optimistic outlook and exhibiting thankfulness will determine how you exist in your lifetime.
The more you talk about negative things in your life, the more you call them in. Speak victory not defeat.
Joel Osteen

The more you expound upon unfavorable elements in your life, the more you summon them. Utter success not failure.
When nobody else celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It's not up to other people to keep you encouraged. It's up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside.
Joel Osteen

Learn to trust His timing. Don't get in a hurry; don't grow impatient; don't try to force doors open. Don't try to make things happen in your own strength. Let God do it His way.
Joel Osteen

Cultivate faith in His schedule. Refrain from haste; abstain from irritation; desist from attempting to open portals. Abstain from striving to make things manifest through your own power. Let God do it in accordance with His plan.
There are people in your path just so you can be a blessing to them. Anytime you do good for others, you are sowing a seed for God to be good to you.
Joel Osteen

Anytime you act charitably towards others, you are planting a seed for the Lord to reward your kindness.
You have to accept the fact that some people are never going to be for you. Treat them with respect, but you don’t need their approval to fulfill your destiny.
Joel Osteen

You must come to terms with the reality that there are individuals who will never be in support of you. Show them courtesy, but don't let their lack of endorsement impede your purpose.
Wake up every morning with a thankful attitude. Expect something good to happen in your life today.
Joel Osteen

Start each day with a grateful demeanor. Anticipate something pleasant to occur in your life today.
You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. You were created to be victorious.
Joel Osteen

You were never intended to exist in a state of dejection, subjugation, culpability, censure, humiliation or unimportant. You were fashioned to be triumphant.
Next time you're tempted to be upset, frustrated, offended, remind yourself, it's a part of that ten percent of things in life that you can't control - but you can control how you respond.
Joel Osteen

The next time you feel provoked, discouraged, or irritated, remind yourself that these are just a fraction of the matters in life which you cannot alter - yet you can determine how to react.
I DECLARE God is going before me making crooked places straight. He has already lined up the right people, the right opportunities and solutions to problems I haven't had. No person, no sickness, no disappointment, can stop His plan. What he promised will come to pass.
Joel Osteen

You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.
Joel Osteen

Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed, and prosperous. Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is!
Joel Osteen

Commence addressing yourself as restored, joyous, integral, favored and affluent. Cease conversing with the Lord about how gigantic your challenges are, and begin chatting to your difficulties regarding how powerful your Deity is!
God will give you strength when you think you can’t go on. He will give you joy when you should be discouraged. He can make a way when it looks impossible.
Joel Osteen

Divine power will empower you when you feel powerless. He will bring delight amidst gloom. He can craft a path where it appears insurmountable.
When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They're sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.
Joel Osteen

When times are tough, bear in mind that hardships are not designed to crush you. Rather, they are meant to invigorate, amplify and fortify you.
Keep honoring God with your life, stay in peace, trust His timing and God will open doors that no man can shut.
Joel Osteen

Keep in mind, hurting people often hurt other people as a result of their own pain. If somebody is rude and inconsiderate, you can almost be certain that they have some unresolved issues inside. They have some major problems, anger, resentment, or some heartache they are trying to cope with or overcome.
Joel Osteen

Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see.
Joel Osteen

You were created to make somebody else’s life better. Somebody needs your smile. They need your love, your encouragement & your gifts.
Joel Osteen

You may be in a tough time but that setback is simply a setup for a greater comeback.
Joel Osteen

When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.
Joel Osteen

When someone is rude, keep a smile on your face. when you stay on the high road.
Joel Osteen

Make the decision and say, "I'm not letting that worry in. I'm done being upset when my plans don't work out. I'm not letting that stress in." Negative thoughts will still come to your mind, but you don't have to let them into your spirit.
Joel Osteen

God knows your value; He sees your potential. You may not understand everything you are going through right now. But hold your head up high, knowing that God is in control and he has a great plan and purpose for your life.
Joel Osteen

At this very moment, God’s working behind the scenes in your life, arranging things in your favor. Stay in faith!
Joel Osteen

It doesn't matter who likes you or doesn't like you, all that matters is that God likes you. He accepts you, he approves of you.
Joel Osteen

I DECLARE that God has a great plan for my life. He is directing my steps. And even though I may not always understand how, I know my situation is not a surprise to God. He will work out every detail to my advantage. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right. This is my declaration.
Joel Osteen

Life is flying by. You don't have time to waste another minute being negative, offended or bitter. If someone did you wrong, get over it and move forward.
Joel Osteen

Encouragement to others is something everyone can give. Somebody needs what you have to give. It may not be your money; it may be your time. It may be your listening ear. It may be your arms to encourage. It may be your smile to uplift. Who knows?
Joel Osteen

You've got to believe that God is in control of your life. It may be a tough time but you've got to believe that God has a reason for it and he's going to make everything good.
Joel Osteen

You are a person of destiny. You are not here by accident. There is no obstacle too big, no dream you can't accomplish.
Joel Osteen

Be careful what you say. You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there.
Joel Osteen

Don't use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation.
Joel Osteen

You won't be free from guilt if you are constantly replaying the negative memories of your past. If you're going to replay anything, replay your victories!
Joel Osteen

When you go through difficult times, make sure you pass the test. Don’t be stubborn and hardheaded. Recognize that God is refining you, knocking off some of your rough edges. Stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. God has called each of us to be champions; you are destined to win. If you will work with God and keep a good attitude, then no matter what comes against you, the bible says that all things – not just the good things in life, but all things – work together for your good.
Joel Osteen

Don’t use your energy to worry. Use your energy to believe.
Joel Osteen

Don't focus on what's wrong. Things may not be perfect, but be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day. Live each day like it could be your last.
Joel Osteen

God didn't make a mistake when He made you. You need to see yourself as God sees you.
Joel Osteen

No matter how many mistakes you've made in the past, or what sort of difficulties you struggle with now, you are destined to live in victory.
Joel Osteen

Not every person is going to understand you and that's okay. They have a right to their opinion and you have every right to ignore it.
Joel Osteen

Life is going by. Don't waste a minute being negative, offended, or bitter. Choose to be happy.
Joel Osteen

There will always be somebody more successful, more beautiful, more talented. You have to realize, you're not running their race. You're running your race.
Joel Osteen

Bottom line: God will not allow any person to keep you from your destiny. They may be bigger, stronger, or more powerful, but God knows how to shift things around and get you to where you're supposed to be.
Joel Osteen