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Jorge Luis Borges Quotes

Argentine short-story writer, Death: 14-6-1986 Jorge Luis Borges Quotes
So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Jorge Luis Borges

Cultivate your own dreams and adorn your spirit, rather than expecting someone else to bestow you with blossoms.
Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.
Jorge Luis Borges

'Having you in my life and not having you in my life is the only way I keep track of time.'
Don't talk unless you can improve the silence.
Jorge Luis Borges

Be silent unless you have something meaningful to say.
I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.
Jorge Luis Borges

I cannot sleep unless I am surrounded by books.
Jorge Luis Borges

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The worst labyrinth is not that intricate form that can entrap us forever, but a single and precise straight line
Jorge Luis Borges

The fact is that poetry is not the books in the library . . . Poetry is the encounter of the reader with the book, the discovery of the book.
Jorge Luis Borges

Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.
Jorge Luis Borges

Quote Topics by Jorge Luis Borges: Writing Men Thinking Book Art Memories Believe Dream Reality May Inspirational World Past Reading People Mirrors Literature Labyrinth Two Time Life Language Library Ideas Should Way Important Hands Mean Country
I can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart, I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.
Jorge Luis Borges

Truth never penetrates an unwilling mind.
Jorge Luis Borges

The original is unfaithful to the translation.
Jorge Luis Borges

Being an agnostic means all things are possible, even God, even the Holy Trinity. This world is so strange that anything may happen, or may not happen. Being an agnostic makes me live in a larger, a more fantastic kind of world, almost uncanny. It makes me more tolerant.
Jorge Luis Borges

Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.
Jorge Luis Borges

Dictatorships foster oppression, dictatorships foster servitude, dictatorships foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.
Jorge Luis Borges

We accept reality so readily - perhaps because we sense that nothing is real.
Jorge Luis Borges

Soccer is popular because stupidity is popular.
Jorge Luis Borges

What you really value is what you miss, not what you have.
Jorge Luis Borges

The future is inevitable and precise, but it may not occur. God lurks in the gaps.
Jorge Luis Borges

The tango is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebration.
Jorge Luis Borges

Art always opts for the individual, the concrete; art is not Platonic.
Jorge Luis Borges

I have preferred to teach my students not English literature but my love for certain authors, or, even better, certain pages, or even better than that, certain lines. One falls in love with a line, then with a page, then with an author. Well, why not? It is a beautiful process.
Jorge Luis Borges

I gazed at every mirror on the planet, not one gave back my reflection.
Jorge Luis Borges

I owe the discovery of Uqbar to the conjunction of a mirror and an encyclopedia.
Jorge Luis Borges

La duda es uno de los nombres de la inteligencia.
Jorge Luis Borges

All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art.
Jorge Luis Borges

Reality is not always probable, or likely.
Jorge Luis Borges

Reality is partial to symmetry and slight anachronisms
Jorge Luis Borges

Let others pride themselves about how many pages they have written; I'd rather boast about the ones I've read.
Jorge Luis Borges

No one is a poet from eight to twelve and from two to six. Whoever is a poet is one always, and continually assaulted by poetry.
Jorge Luis Borges

There is nothing in the world that is not mysterious, but the mystery is more evident in certain things than in others: in the sea, in the eyes of the elders, in the color yellow, and in music.
Jorge Luis Borges

The minotaur more than justifies the existence of the labyrinth.
Jorge Luis Borges

I have committed the worst of sins one can commit... I have not been happy.
Jorge Luis Borges

May Heaven exist, even if my place is Hell.
Jorge Luis Borges

Life itself is a quotation.
Jorge Luis Borges

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.
Jorge Luis Borges

The future has no other reality than as present hope, and the past is no more than present memory.
Jorge Luis Borges

To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
Jorge Luis Borges

The Falklands thing was a fight between two bald men over a comb.
Jorge Luis Borges

Doubt is one of the names of intelligence.
Jorge Luis Borges

I foresee that man will resign himself each day to new abominations, and soon that only bandits and soldiers will be left...
Jorge Luis Borges

Time can't be measured in days the way money is measured in pesos and centavos, because all pesos are equal, while every day, perhaps every hour, is different.
Jorge Luis Borges

When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation.
Jorge Luis Borges

I saw all the mirrors on earth and none of them reflected me.
Jorge Luis Borges

For me, beauty is a physical sensation, something we feel with our whole body. It is not the result of judgement. We do not arrive at it by way of rules. We either feel beauty or we don't.
Jorge Luis Borges

A writer's work is the product of laziness.
Jorge Luis Borges

A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of innumerable relationships
Jorge Luis Borges

The mind was dreaming. The world was its dream.
Jorge Luis Borges

There is an hour of the afternoon when the plain is on the verge of saying something. It never says, or perhaps it says it infinitely, or perhaps we do not understand it, or we understand it and it is untranslatable as music.
Jorge Luis Borges

Perhaps the apparent favor of the universe is no more than the crocodile grin of a Doberman breathing hard and about to be hungry?
Jorge Luis Borges

Loneliness does not worry me; life is difficult enough, putting up with yourself and with your own habits.
Jorge Luis Borges