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Kirk Cameron Quotes

American actor, Birth: 12-10-1970 Kirk Cameron Quotes
I came all this way for a reason. Today is the day of salvation. Trust Jesus to save you. Then be sincere as God knows a pretender.
Kirk Cameron

God speaks with authority on every subject including marriage and His advice trumps Oprah's every time.
Kirk Cameron

To say anything negative about Stephen Hawking is like bullying a blind man. He has an unfair disadvantage, and that gives him a free pass on some of his absurd ideas.
Kirk Cameron

If you had the cure to cancer wouldn't you share it? .. You have the cure to death .. get out there and share it.
Kirk Cameron

I'm not perfect in my walk but I want to do the right thing.
Kirk Cameron

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Perhaps the thought of going to hell doesn't alarm you, because you don't believe in it. That may be your belief, but if hell exists, your lack of belief won't make it go away. Standing on a freeway and saying, "I don't believe in trucks" won't make the 18-wheeler disappear.
Kirk Cameron

Put your nose into the Bible everyday. It is your spiritual food. And then share it. Make a vow not to be a lukewarm Christian.
Kirk Cameron

All things are possible to those who believe, less difficult to those who hope, more easy to those who love, and still easier to those who persevere in the practice of these three virtues.
Kirk Cameron

Quote Topics by Kirk Cameron: Thinking People Jesus Believe Men Heart Want Kids Christian Hate Garden Christ Bullying Perfect Ideas Powerful Years Atheist Views Ifs Gay Advice America Love Is Atheism Pain Anchors Hollywood Biblical Homosexual
I should be able to express moral views on social issues without being slandered, accused of hate speech, and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square.
Kirk Cameron

I'm a man of convictions. If you press me about how I feel about an issue, you're going to see my convictions.
Kirk Cameron

Nobody should mistreat anybody. Homosexuals should not be mistreated. Heterosexuals should not be mistreated. Bisexuals should not be mistreated.
Kirk Cameron

Jesus first of all, loves His Father in heaven and would never compromise the message that sinners must be delivered or be damned. That is the reason Jesus came to earth-to save sinners.
Kirk Cameron

I was being foolish. An atheist can't stand behind their assertion that God doesn't exist. The stupidest thing I ever could have done was to reject His Truth.
Kirk Cameron

Faith in God... produces character; character will produce courage, courage to face the challenges of the day.
Kirk Cameron

There is nothing more important than your eternal salvation.
Kirk Cameron

What if marriage is really about making us more like Christ, not so much about making us happy?
Kirk Cameron

God steps into the suffering with us, and He takes it on himself, and He walks through it with us, and He uses it to create something in you that is #‎ unstoppable .
Kirk Cameron

Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't.
Kirk Cameron

The church as a whole has strayed quite far from biblical evangelism; that is, sharing the Gospel in the way that Jesus did, the way the Apostle Paul did, and the rest of the disciples and prophets in Scripture.
Kirk Cameron

I can assuredly say that it's my life's mission to love all people.
Kirk Cameron

My default position is not to be an actor. My default position is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. If that means I continue in acting, great! I'd love that. But if it means I need to change professions someday because I can't provide for my family, well, that's what I need to do.
Kirk Cameron

I love the ideas of looking back to historical heroes to give us inspiration on how we can be today's heroes to move forward in the future. So guys like... William Bradford and William Wallace, the Bravehearts, the Patriots, the Pilgrims. There are so many of those people throughout history... whose stories have just never been told.
Kirk Cameron

God is a God who has not given up on His people. If He wanted to give up, He would have given up back in the Garden of Eden.
Kirk Cameron

It does grieve me to think there are people misunderstanding my heart on an issue.
Kirk Cameron

My friend Ray Comfort has produced a powerful piece of media that leaves a lasting mark on your heart and mind. '180' is 33 minutes of video adrenaline, shock, and hope. As defenders of the unborn and messengers of the Gospel of Life, we need to see this video and share it with as many people as we can.
Kirk Cameron

God makes it really clear that society and civilization is really held together by the glue of families... When a man and a woman come together and say 'I do,' they are committing for a lifetime to love each other and to model what love is and what forgiveness is and what joy is to their kids.
Kirk Cameron

I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America.
Kirk Cameron

Every candle that gets lit in the dark room must feel a little rejection from the darkness around it, but the last thing I want from those who hold a different world view to me is to accept me.
Kirk Cameron

I sometimes found myself more comfortable around my TV family than I did with my own parents and sister.
Kirk Cameron

Let's put Christ back into Christmas.
Kirk Cameron

As I look around, I get this sinking feeling that we're off track, that there's something sick in the soul of our country. I examine the fruit that's hanging on the tree of America, and I can see that it's rotting. And that concerns me deeply.
Kirk Cameron

My wife - I married my onscreen girlfriend from 'Growing Pains', Mike Seaver's girlfriend, and we've been married for 17 years - so marriage is very important to us.
Kirk Cameron

Jesus did not get stuck in intellectual arguments with people. He did not go for the intellect; He went for the conscience. He spoke to that part of the person that knows the difference between right and wrong instinctively.
Kirk Cameron

We know that God disciplines His children, and that testing, suffering, and persecution come to us from Heaven to stretch, grow, and mature us into the men and women God intends to make us... If we keep this in mind when hard times fall, it can be a real source of joy in the fire.
Kirk Cameron

I'm sure I've lost a few jobs because I'm a Christian. That's irrelevant. I can honestly say that of everything I have, of everything I've experienced, nothing compares to the joy of knowing Christ. Because I've been given a glimpse of Heaven and it outshines all of the rest.
Kirk Cameron

I could have anything I wanted and if I didn't have it, it was because I didn't want it.
Kirk Cameron

For so many years, I've been an actor acting in other people's movies, and in 'Unstoppable,' I'm producing it, and I have an opportunity to create some of that excitement with style and form and different color templates and things like that. So, as an artist, it's really exciting.
Kirk Cameron

Do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't.
Kirk Cameron

I think God is perfect, all-powerful and has an unstoppable plan for everyone, including those who love him and those who don't.
Kirk Cameron

The true Christian loves his Savior with his whole heart and wants nothing to do with the sin that nailed his Redeemer to the cross.
Kirk Cameron

I believe the Scriptures teach that there's a literal heaven and a literal hell, just like Jesus said. And without forgiveness of sins that, yeah, the place of punishment is called hell.
Kirk Cameron

I was experiencing all the success the entertainment industry has to offer, but I knew there had to be something more. It was sort of through that God prepared me to hear about His great plan.
Kirk Cameron

If you take Darwin's theory and extend it to its logical end, it can be used to justify a number of very horrendous things.
Kirk Cameron

Why do people hate God?... One, they hate the moral standard. Two, they hate the way he's transforming the world even in the midst of suffering and tragedy.
Kirk Cameron

Professor Hawking is heralded as 'the genius of Britain,' yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life. Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking's writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?
Kirk Cameron

We all have our convictions formed by different things and mine are informed by my faith.... They're formed by the word of God, and I found that to be an anchor for me, a compass, and a guide for me. When people start bullying one another and calling each other names for those different convictions, then I think you get into problems.
Kirk Cameron

I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is not in who governs us as a nation. It's not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the hearts of people.
Kirk Cameron

The biblical method of change begins in the heart of man with the Gospel. It transforms the mind of man and gradually works its way out. And it builds a nation from the bottom up.
Kirk Cameron

I have faith in God and not that we have evolved from a rock, not from worshiping the environment or endangered bugs.
Kirk Cameron

I love all people. I hate no one. And, you know, when you take a subject and you reduce it to something like a four-second sound bite, and a check mark on a ballot, I think that that's inappropriate and insensitive.
Kirk Cameron