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Larry Hagman Quotes

American actor, Birth: 21-9-1931, Death: 23-11-2012 Larry Hagman Quotes
I'm sure it is, I'm not for any kind of war, we've been engaged in several wars since the second world war and we lost in Korea, we lost in Vietnam, they are political wars, they have nothing to do with any real threat, nor does this one.
Larry Hagman

Barbara Eden is the most beautiful girl in the world.
Larry Hagman

I think that everybody in the world, whatever colour or creed, has a jerk like JR in his or her family somewhere. Whether it is a father, uncle, cousin or brother, everybody can identify with JR and that certainly had something to do with the success of 'Dallas.'
Larry Hagman

There are very little things in this life I cannot afford and patience is one of them.
Larry Hagman

I have this wonderful personal chef who sources and stocks all my organic produce and I basically live on five smoothies a day. I'm totally vegan. I blend this green concoction with kale, cucumber, broccoli, string beans, avocado. My protein comes from protein powder. There is absolutely no milk, butter, cheese.
Larry Hagman

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'Dallas' hit a chord back in the late Seventies and Eighties because it was the age of greed: here you have this unapologetic character who is mean and nasty and ruthless and does it all with an evil grin. I think people related to JR back then because we all have someone we know exactly like him. Everyone in the world knows a JR.
Larry Hagman

My definition of a redundancy is an air-bag in a politician's car.
Larry Hagman

But there is no withdrawal, but with tobacco there is terrible withdrawal, it is almost impossible for a lot of people. I did , I went cold turkey, they never had any patches in those days but grass was not difficult, alcohol not difficult, but tobacco - oh my god.
Larry Hagman

Quote Topics by Larry Hagman: Years Dallas People Thinking Air Writing Giving Marijuana Cancer Nice Country Religious Fun Book Giving Up Stuff Worry Character Taken Real Believe Rehearsal Doctors Reality Girl Way Horse Guy Deceptive Cake
Well I think they broke the mould when they made me and being humble is one of my great assets.
Larry Hagman

People who are living donors who give kidneys. You can't give a heart and you can't give a liver, but you can sure give a lung - well, kidneys, anyhow. And that's where the main part of this whole thing is - one out of every eight people, I believe, is going to have some kind of kidney problem during their lifetime.
Larry Hagman

It always annoys me when stars grumble about fans coming up to them in the street. I love it. These young stars today with all their airs and graces, they need to remember it is an honour and a privilege to make money from acting. How hard is it?
Larry Hagman

I went to a military school between the ages of six and 12 and later into the air force. You learn discipline and strength of character.
Larry Hagman

I often ask people if they would like to give their organs when they pass on, and they say "Well, I'm not so sure, I don't know." And I said, "Well, would you accept one if you needed one?" "Well, yeah, sure." And I say "Well, there you go - where do you get them from?".
Larry Hagman

No no there wasn't any planned 14th season, we all saw the writing on the wall. The ratings had been going down and so fourth, that curve goes on every show and in everybody's life.
Larry Hagman

Once you get rid of integrity the rest is a piece of cake.
Larry Hagman

Five hundred thousand Americans die from tobacco poisoning every year, and it's legal. I don't know, it just that's the - you can't stop giving people organs because of bad behavior. If you keep on having bad behavior, then of course they'll deny you a liver, or whatever you need.
Larry Hagman

When we started the show, 'Dallas' was known as the city where JFK was assassinated. By the end it was known as JR's home town.
Larry Hagman

We did 356 'Dallas' episodes between 1978 and 1991. The most memorable moment for me happened in 1980 when I got shot at the end of the third series. The rest is a blur.
Larry Hagman

I didn't write the book to sell the book, but to tell my experiences.
Larry Hagman

I got to a point where kind of a oneness with everything and a great compassion. It teaches you compassion. It was a great, enlightening experience, a spiritual experience. Not particularly religious, but spiritual. It was great. I can still go there.
Larry Hagman

I guess it was but I think peoples morality has changed. It's gotten more liberal and more diverse and even in a sense much more fundamental, you take the fundamental religious right in this country, its got to go back about 50 years.
Larry Hagman

I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to be anywhere. I'm not kidding.
Larry Hagman

Oil rich boys . . . had a nice, sweet smile but when you finished meeting with them your socks were missing and you hadn't even noticed they'd taken your boots.
Larry Hagman

I did successfully kick tobacco at the age of 34. I smoked for like 20 years, from 14 to 34.
Larry Hagman

I drank my liver out.
Larry Hagman

Later on when it became a routine it was not as exciting I'll admit that. The first three years were wonderful, the rest were just money making and having fun.
Larry Hagman

Well, I decided to stop. And I did. I stopped smoking, and I stopped speed at the same time.
Larry Hagman

I liked Dallas better because it was more deceptive, you could do more with it.
Larry Hagman

I have been married for 58 years to the same woman. Our secret? Separate bathrooms.
Larry Hagman

My credo is etched on my mirror in my bathroom and I see it when I brush my teeth in the morning. It says, "Don't worry, Be Happy, Feel Good." When you see that first thing, and you reflect on it, the rest of the day seems to glide by pretty well.
Larry Hagman

It's my firm intention to whop cancer into submission and I truly believe I've given myself the best start possible by radically overhauling my diet and by staying true to my motto, which is: Don't worry, be happy, feel good. The first thing I did when I was diagnosed was to turn vegan.
Larry Hagman

I don't watch a lot of television. Sports and news, that's it.
Larry Hagman

Marijuana you can give up, I've given it up for fifteen years now and it never occurs to me to smoke it anymore.
Larry Hagman

At that time I was making the largest salary known on television and I didn't want to see it die because those were the years paying off when I wasn't making anything.
Larry Hagman

You know Hollywood is a weird and wonderful place, I didn't know I Dream of Jeanie had been cancelled after 5 years until I went back to go on the lot to pick up some clothes and things I had in my dressing room.
Larry Hagman

A sad figure (Bush) ' not too well educated, who doesn't get out of America much. He's leading the country towards Fascism.
Larry Hagman

Good acting is all in the writing. If it isn't on the page, then it really won't make any difference. You cannot act on force of personality alone.
Larry Hagman

I had a real epiphany. I guess it was during and after the operation. I did what's a common thing; I kind of raised above the table and could look at me and listen to all the people talking and understand what they were saying and so forth.
Larry Hagman

I have thousands and thousands of hats. Some are the most outrageous hats in the world. They are my disguise. I hide beneath them.
Larry Hagman

I'm not well versed on the verbiage of the internet.
Larry Hagman

All my heroes, I guess, like John Wayne and all those guys, they drank and they smoked and did all the manly things. It was expected of you. And now abstinence in all kinds of forms is a part of living. It's a pretty - I don't smoke anymore, I quit that 42 years ago
Larry Hagman

A lot of times I talk to people, they say they don't trust the doctors, they don't trust the hospitals and that kind of stuff. Well, if you go to the hospital, you've got to trust somebody.
Larry Hagman

Actors can't retire. What would they do?
Larry Hagman

After ten or twelve years you can only play something so long and then you start to parody it.
Larry Hagman

On being asked by Channel 4's Derek Thompson if he owned horses - No, son. I don't like anything that eats while I sleep.
Larry Hagman

Well yes so far, I was recently in Germany and they had me do six book signings a day and that was too much so I had them cut it down to about three. It becomes taxing at times but its a lot of fun and you meet a lot of nice people.
Larry Hagman

Before I tried LSD, I'd been going to a psychologist for a couple of years. I found out about success that you have to fight for it a lot, then when you achieve it, you can't give up the fight.
Larry Hagman

As J.R. I could get away with anything - bribery, blackmail and adultery. But I got caught by cancer. I do want everyone to know that it is a very common and treatable form of cancer. I will be receiving treatment while working on the new 'Dallas' series.
Larry Hagman

I barely watch TV apart from the news. Most of it is rubbish. There's all this reality nonsense and dross. I think there's a market for a well-produced, well-written melodrama like 'Dallas.' It's pure entertainment.
Larry Hagman

I never travel without my Stetson, but the more I wear it the more I realise that no one wears hats any more. When I was a kid everybody wore hats, especially in Texas, but I get off the plane in Dallas now and I'm the only guy with a hat. It's amazing.
Larry Hagman