I love that blurry place where life’s transitions are made without you even knowing it.
Ann Brashares
I relish the indistinctness where life's changes are unconsciously achieved.
A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to enjoy who they are. Embrace the change, no matter what it is; once you do, you can learn about the new world you're in and take advantage of it.
Nikki Giovanni
If there isn't a sequence of 15 previous passes, a good transition between attack and defence is impossible. Impossible.
Pep Guardiola
If there is not a line of 15 earlier exchanges, an efficient shift between offense and defense is inconceivable. Unattainable.
We are always in transition. If you can just relax with that, you'll have no problem.
Chogyam Trungpa
Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism.
Rosa Luxemburg
Every chemical reaction has a transition state.
Derek Barton
We resist transition not because we can't accept the change, but because we can't accept letting go of that piece of ourselves that we have to give up when and because the situation has changed.
William Bridges
We are all hypocrites in transition. I am not who I want to be, but I am on the journey there, and thankfully I am not whom I used to be.
Erwin McManus
Our problem, from the point of view of psychology and from the point of view of genetic epistemology, is to explain how the transition is made from a lower level of knowledge to a level that is judged to be higher.
Jean Piaget
The ambiguities of language, both in terms of vocabulary and syntax, are fascinating: how important connotation is, what is lost and what is gained in the linguistic transition.
Marilyn Hacker
Change is an event but a transition is the process that you go through in response to the change.
William Bridges
Life, it seems, is nothing if not a series of initiations, transitions, and incorporations.
Alan Dundes
We should note that this latter type of shift was successfully amplified to a considerable extent by Russian physicists using the intense light of a ruby laser whose wavelength is close to that of a transition of the potassium atom.
Alfred Kastler
We are in the throes of a transition where every publication has to think of their digital strategy.
Bill Gates
I am appalled that the term we use to talk about aging is 'anti'. Aging is human evolution in its pure form. Death, taxes and aging .... We are ALL going to age and soften and mellow and transition.
Jamie Lee Curtis
The Great Work now, as we move into a new millennium, is to carry out the transition from a period of human devastation of the Earth to a period when humans would be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner.
Thomas Berry
In every age of transition men are never so firmly bound to one way of life as when they are about to abandon it.
Bernard Levin
The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state.
John Ousterhout
A community is only a community when the majority of its members are making the transition from 'the community for myself' to 'myself for the community'.
Jean Vanier
I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female. Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible.
Chelsea Manning
I suppose happiness is something one enjoys, but I suspect that happiness is not a state but rather a transition.
David Attenborough
Children are the true believers, and some of us are lucky enough to make the transition to adulthoood without ever losing the ability to see through young eyes.
Anne Geddes
A person's life from infancy to old age is nothing else than an advance from the world towards heaven, the last stage of which is death; the actual transition from one life to the next.
Emanuel Swedenborg
The biggest thing I remember is that there was just no transition. You hit the ground diapering.
Paul Reiser
Surrender is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from no to yes.
Eckhart Tolle
All transitions are composed of an ending, a neutral zone and a new beginning
William Bridges
When I was going through my transition of being famous, I tried to ask God, why was I here? What was my purpose? Surely, it wasn't just to win three gold medals. There has to be more to this life than that.
Wilma Rudolph
I am firmly convinced that there is life after death, not in a primitive sense but as the entry of my completely finite person into God's infinity, as a transition into another reality beyond the dimension of space and time that pure reason can neither affirm nor deny.
Hans Kung
By then, I was making the slow transition from classical biochemistry to molecular biology and becoming increasingly preoccupied with how genes act and how proteins are made.
Paul Berg
It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive.
William Bridges
We live in a society that is in transition from oral to written. There are oral stories that are still there, not exactly in their full magnificence, but still strong in their differentness from written stories. Each mode has its ways and methods and rules. They can reinforce each other; this is the advantage my generation has - we can bring to the written story something of that energy of the story told by word of mouth.
Chinua Achebe
Future generations, if there is a livable world for them,
will look back at the epochal transition we are making to a life-sustaining society.
And they may well call this
the time of the Great Turning.
Joanna Macy
Individuals approaching death often experience encounters with their dead relatives, who seem to welcome them to the next world. These deathbed visions are authentic and convincing; they are often followed by a state of euphoria and seem to ease the transition.
Stanislav Grof
The sculptor represents the transition from one pose to another he indicates how insensibly the first glides into the second. In his work we still see a part of what was and we discover a part of what is to be.
Auguste Rodin
The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new constitutes a period of transition which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism.
John C. Calhoun
Disenchantment, whether it is a minor disappointment or a major shock, is the signal that things are moving into transition in our lives.
William Throsby Bridges
Transition is always a relief. Destination means death to me. If I could figure out a way to remain forever in transition, in the disconnected and unfamiliar, I could remain in a state of perpetual freedom.
David Wojnarowicz
It isn't the changes that do you in, it's the transitions.
William Bridges
The transition between competing paradigms cannot be made a step at a time, forced by logic and neutral experience. Like the gestalt switch, it must occur all at once (though not necessarily in an instant) or not at all.
Thomas Kuhn
I think that the world is in the middle of a huge transition that we have to make to renewable energy. We have to transition away from fossil fuels very, very quickly.
Josh Fox
Some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges. None of these are permissible modes of transition from one situation to another.
Robert Nozick
Our nation is well equipped to make the transition. We have an abundance of natural resources like wind, natural gas, solar and geothermal.
Julia Gillard
We are three countries that emerged from the former Yugoslavia - countries that are now in transition and must cooperate with each other, because our economies depend on each other.
Stjepan Mesic
For the anarch, little is changed when he strips off a uniform that he wore partly as fool's motley, partly as camouflage. It covers his spiritual freedom, which he will objectivate during such transitions. This distinguishes him from the anarchist, who, objectively unfree, starts raging until he is thrust into a more rigorous straitjacket.
Ernst Junger
One might have thought that the most significant change in the film industry that would come about with a transition from the communist economy to capitalism would fundamentally concern the sources of funding.
Andrzej Wajda
Unfortunately, modeling takes you with no transition from being a girl to being a business woman
Karolina Kurkova
Choose to see death as simply removing a garment or moving from one room to another... it's merely a transition.
Wayne Dyer
Justification is the truly dramatic transition from the status of a condemned criminal awaiting a terrible sentence to that of an heir awaiting a fabulous inheritance.
J. I. Packer
The transition state of manners and language cannot be too often insisted upon: for this affected the process at both ends, giving the artist in fictitious life an uncertain model to copy and unstable materials to work in.
George Saintsbury
I want to be remembered as an actor who put in some good work in the beginning of his career, even better work at the end of his career and slowly, successfully made the transition into writing and directing.
Jonathan Brandis