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Dennis Bergkamp Quotes

Dutch footballer and manager, Birth: 10-5-1969 Dennis Bergkamp Quotes
When you start supporting a football club, you don't support it because of the trophies, or a player, or history, you support it because you found yourself somewhere there; found a place where you belong.
Dennis Bergkamp

Other clubs never came into my thoughts once I knew Arsenal wanted to sign me.
Dennis Bergkamp

Arsene Wenger's idea is not only to play good football. It's to play good football to win. In my day, we knew that with our style we could hurt teams and win trophies too. But we did it our way, with the positional game, passing, movement.
Dennis Bergkamp

I really like Arsenal. But you, do you like Arsenal? Or just Arsenal with Trophies?
Dennis Bergkamp

Behind every kick of the ball there has to be a thought.
Dennis Bergkamp

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I love playing football, being out on the pitch with a ball, and I will be a little sad when that ends.
Dennis Bergkamp

You have to shoot, to want to score goals no matter how. Just score that goal! You can't be afraid to miss.
Dennis Bergkamp

If you look at the whole package, with everything Henry has, I don't think you can find that anywhere else. You give him the ball in the right place and his acceleration will take him past any defender in the world.
Dennis Bergkamp

Quote Topics by Dennis Bergkamp: Sports Football Player Team Clubs People Space Soccer Winning Nice Thinking Goal Jobs Trophies Littles Two Inspirational Training My Thoughts Doe Years Past Way Successful Play Being Sad Mean Numbers Want Sex
When I played in Holland, I always tried to lob the goalkeeper. People used to say, 'Oh, you're always only trying to make a nice goal'. But I said, 'Listen, if the goalie is a little bit off his line, how much space do you have on his left or right?' It's not a lot. 'And how much space do you have above him?
Dennis Bergkamp

Playing football was like being trapped in a rhythm, and my whole career was like that. You have very little time to switch off.
Dennis Bergkamp

When you beat a team so often - especially like this season when Chelsea had already lost three times to us - you know people expect you to do it again. But you also know they're going to be even more motivated to finally win.
Dennis Bergkamp

A lot of people say you always come back to what you are good at. Football has been 25 years of my life, so maybe I'll come back to it in some sort of way.
Dennis Bergkamp

It will be a hard game if you think about winning a championship. We need to think about our own game at the moment and focus on getting good results especially over the Christmas period.
Dennis Bergkamp

People can say the money doesn't really matter but it does show you how much a club respects you.
Dennis Bergkamp

In Holland and Spain and France, where so many of us come from, people aren't interested in the sex lives of their players. We don't hear these stories - even in Italy where the media is right on top of football.
Dennis Bergkamp

My goals in Holland were known as 'stiffies', which means something quite different in England of course.
Dennis Bergkamp

Our two biggest rivals had adjusted their whole season to this one aim of beating us. Of course, it is a big compliment that they were so motivated to stop us but it was very tough to face two matches like that so close together. Suddenly three trophies are down to one.
Dennis Bergkamp

I just wanted to get back to playing attacking football after my time in Italy. It was a little difficult at first but the atmosphere and the fans were just fantastic.
Dennis Bergkamp

Sometimes you feel the emotion. You think this might be my last pre-season or my last Champions League match. But, overall, those thoughts aren't important right now. But the time will soon come
Dennis Bergkamp

I don't want to lose myself in football and that's what a coach has to do to be successful.
Dennis Bergkamp

We're still a great team. In your mind you can understand that but, emotionally, we needed to express the same belief. We came out full of fire and scored two early goals, two really beautiful goals, and that changed everything.
Dennis Bergkamp

The regular things in my life now - training sessions and playing matches - will all fall away. That will leave a big empty space and it will need to be filled.
Dennis Bergkamp

I think these awards are always nice for a player but they also reflect well on the club. It shows that Arsenal's performance have been noted all around the world and it helps by having so many good players around me.
Dennis Bergkamp

So here, at Arsenal, we are often surprised when we are shown some of the newspapers, and at the bottom of an article there is a line saying if you know of anyone who had an affair with a player, call this number. It is very strange to us.
Dennis Bergkamp

So I took it as a very positive sign that the club came to me rather than the other way round.
Dennis Bergkamp

I've never seen myself as a manager. As a manager, you have to put all your time into the job, and that would be difficult for me.
Dennis Bergkamp

My aim is to play as many games as possible and to go out and be one of the 11 players again.
Dennis Bergkamp