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Idries Shah Quotes

Idries Shah Quotes
Enlightenment must come little by little - otherwise it would overwhelm.
Idries Shah

The word 'choice' is a fraud while people choose only what they have been taught to choose.
Idries Shah

Knowledge is not gained, it is there all the time. It is the "veils" which have to be dissolved in the mind.
Idries Shah

Trying to force something is the best way to stop it happening.
Idries Shah

Opinion is usually something which people have when they lack comprehensive information.
Idries Shah

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Man (and woman) has an infinite capacity for self-development. Equally, he has an infinite capacity for self-destruction. A human being may be clinically alive and yet, despite all appearances, spiritually dead.
Idries Shah

You must empty out the dirty water before you fill the pitcher with clean.
Idries Shah

Meditation - Before you learn how to meditate, you must unlearn what you think meditation might be.
Idries Shah

Quote Topics by Idries Shah: People Thinking Men Mean Trying Taken Book Believe May Doe Enemy Way Wise Sufi Secret Giving Spiritual Real Information Long Christian Struggle Needs Belief Talking Should Moments Effort Running Sufism
The Sufi way is through knowledge and practice, not through intellect and talk.
Idries Shah

Have you noticed how many people who walk in the shade curse the Sun?
Idries Shah

Right time, right place, right people equals success. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong people equals most of the real human history.
Idries Shah

A motto of the human race: Let me do what I like, and give me approval as well.
Idries Shah

A king who feared wasps once decreed that they were abolished. As it happened, they did him no harm. But he was eventually stung to death by scorpions.
Idries Shah

Knowledge is something which you can use. Belief is something which uses you.
Idries Shah

Study the assumptions behind your actions. Then study the assumptions behind your assumptions.
Idries Shah

The chicken had his wish, and was magically transformed into a fox. Then he found that he could not digest grain.
Idries Shah

If, from time to time, you give up expectation, you will be able to perceive what it is you are getting.
Idries Shah

When tomorrow comes, think tomorrow's thoughts.
Idries Shah

Please, not again what you studied, how long you spent at it, how many books you wrote, what people thought of you - but: what did you learn?
Idries Shah

Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious.
Idries Shah

The proverb says that 'The answer to a fool is silence'. Observation, however, indicates that almost any other answer will have the same effect in the long run.
Idries Shah

You are adrift while you still think that a means is an end.
Idries Shah

Effort makes some great men famous. Even greater effort enables other great men to remain unknown.
Idries Shah

An egocentric pessimist is a person who thinks he hasn't changed, but that other people are behaving worse than before.
Idries Shah

When you realize the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge.
Idries Shah

When Fortune knocks, open the door,' they say. But why should one make fortune knock, by keeping the door shut?
Idries Shah

The impatient man is his own enemy; he slams the door on his own progress.
Idries Shah

The secret of Sufism is that it has no secret at all'.
Idries Shah

The Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning.
Idries Shah

To 'see both sides' of a problem is the surest way to prevent its complete solution. Because there are always more than two sides.
Idries Shah

You have not forgotten to remember; You have remembered to forget. But people can forget to forget. That is just as important as remembering to remember - and generally more practical.
Idries Shah

Worry is a cloud which rains destruction.
Idries Shah

When a belief becomes more than an instrument, you are lost. You remain lost until you learn what 'belief' is really for.
Idries Shah

Advice is priceless: when it becomes interference it is preposterous.
Idries Shah

Scholars of the East and West have heroically consecrated their whole working lives to making available, by means of their own disciplines, Sufi literary and philosophical material to the world at large. In many cases they have faithfully recorded the Sufis' own reiteration that the Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning.
Idries Shah

A real secret is something which only one person knows.
Idries Shah

Prescribing hard work for the soft, or easy work for the hardy, is generally nonsense. What is always needed in any aim is right effort, right time, right people, right materials.
Idries Shah

Christian scholars often say that Sufi theories are close to those of Christianity. Many Moslems maintain that they are essentially derived from Islam. The resemblance of many Sufi ideas to those of several religious and esoteric systems are sometimes taken as evidence of derivation. The Islamic interpretation is that religion is of one origin, differences being due to local or historical causes.
Idries Shah

It is not only a matter of not caring who knows - it is also a matter of knowing who cares.
Idries Shah

The Path is not to be found anywhere except in human service
Idries Shah

It is the message, not the man, which is important to the Sufis.
Idries Shah

Enemies are often former or potential friends who have been denied - or think that they have been denied - something.
Idries Shah

One can give or withhold in a manner far more effective, sophisticated, useful, which is quite invisible to people who think that giving or withholding is done by external assessment. If you seek some mark of favour or 'promotion', know that you are not ready for it. Progress comes through capacity to learn, and is irresistible. Nobody can stand between you and knowledge if you are fit for it.
Idries Shah

It is not important to have said a thing first, or best - or even most interestingly. What is important is to say it on the right occasion.
Idries Shah

If you are uninterested in what I say, there's an end to it. If you like what I say, please try to understand which previous influences have made you like it. If you like some of the things I say, and dislike others, you could try to understand why. If you dislike all I say, why not try to find out what formed your attitude?
Idries Shah

From imperial, economic and ideological causes, many cultures are the inheritors, and hence the prisoners, of attitudes of scorn and disdain for other faiths – outlooks which are not ennobling to anyone.
Idries Shah

One of the tragedies of modern times is that people have come to believe that something said by someone in the past, perhaps for illustrative or provocation purposes, actually represents that person's beliefs at the time.
Idries Shah

The colour of the water seems to be the colour of the glass into which it has been poured'.
Idries Shah

There is a Persian proverb: 'To test that which has been tested is ignorance.' To try to test something without the means of testing is even worse.
Idries Shah

If you can turn a murderer into a mere thief, you are making progress.
Idries Shah