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Harrison Ford Quotes

American actor and producer, Birth: 13-7-1942, Death: 2-12-1957 Harrison Ford Quotes
Work hard and figure out how to be useful and don't try to imitate anybody else's success. Figure out how to do it for yourself with yourself.
Harrison Ford

'May the Force be with you' is charming but it's not important. What's important is that you become the Force - for yourself and perhaps for other people.
Harrison Ford

I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up. Most people in this business gave up and went on to other things. If you simply didn't give up, you would outlast the people who came in on the bus with you.
Harrison Ford

I enjoyed carpentry, and it was very good to me for 12 years.
Harrison Ford

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
Harrison Ford

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Really, what are the options? Levi's or Wranglers. And you just pick one. It's one of those life choices.
Harrison Ford

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
Harrison Ford

Am I grumpy? I might be. But I think maybe sometimes it's misinterpreted.
Harrison Ford

Quote Topics by Harrison Ford: Thinking People Character Actors Opportunity Jobs Stars Years Ambition War Giving Play Trying Success Children Men Inspirational Baseball Important Real Games Focus Ideas Emotional Indiana Fun Want Kids Mean Book
You have to have a darkness...for the dawn to come. You have to have experienced difficulties and challenges to fully appreciate and be grateful for success.
Harrison Ford

I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially the ones that deal with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you've lost human scale.
Harrison Ford

I wanted to live the life, a different life. I didn't want to go to the same place every day and see the same people and do the same job. I wanted interesting challenges.
Harrison Ford

Behind every great man is a woman. Telling him he's not so hot.
Harrison Ford

I love the comic opportunities that come up in the context of a father-son relationship.
Harrison Ford

To me, success is choice and opportunity.
Harrison Ford

If I were a serious person, I'd probably have a real job.
Harrison Ford

Never again will I allow our political self-interest to deter us from doing what we know to be morally right. Atrocity and terror are not political weapons. And to those who would use them, your day is over. We will never negotiate. We will no longer tolerate and we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid.
Harrison Ford

I don't mind doing interviews. I don't mind answering thoughtful questions. But I'm not thrilled about answering questions like, 'If you were being mugged, and you had a lightsaber in one pocket and a whip in the other, which would you use?'
Harrison Ford

You keep on going until you get it as close to being right as the time and patience of others will allow.
Harrison Ford

Acting is not about competing. Acting is about cooperating. Acting is about collaboration. It's about your utility, your usefulness, your capacity to add to the work that has already been done and will be done. You're just part of a team. I never feel competitive about acting.
Harrison Ford

If people recognize me when I'm out in public, I'm very nice to them. I'm very nice to people even when they don't recognize me. I don't even mind if people come up to me while I'm eating dinner, but if they recognize me while I'm having sex, I refuse to sign autographs.
Harrison Ford

The trick of this thing and the beauty of this thing is that it's a cowboy movie first and then stuff happens. Even after stuff happens it doesn't change - it hasn't suddenly changed into another kind of movie. It's still a cowboy movie. And that's what's incredible about it because nobody has done that before, that's new territory.
Harrison Ford

My goal was just to work regularly. I didn't ever expect to be rich or famous. I wanted to be a working character actor.
Harrison Ford

Our health relies entirely on the vitality of our fellow species on Earth.
Harrison Ford

The Force is within you. Force yourself.
Harrison Ford

Whoever had the bright idea of putting Indiana Jones in a leather jacket and a fedora in the jungle ought to be dragged into the street and shot.
Harrison Ford

The third time you say a thing it sounds like a lie.
Harrison Ford

I don't want to be a movie star. I want to be in movies that are stars.
Harrison Ford

All I would tell people is to hold onto what was individual about themselves, not to allow their ambition for success to cause them to try to imitate the success of others. You've got to find it on your own terms.
Harrison Ford

With the CGI, suddenly there's a thousand enemies instead of six - the army goes off into the horizon. You don't need that. The audience loses its relationship with the threat on the screen. That's something that's consistently happening and it makes these movies like video games and that's a soulless enterprise. It's all kinetics without emotion.
Harrison Ford

I was completely unprepared for the public spectacle my private life became, and didn't like it a bit.
Harrison Ford

I don't want to be a slave to electronic devices. I don't want to be connected to my friends. I don't want to send snapshots of my dog and cute pictures of my family life to my friends and family. I don't want to be liked, by pushing a button. I use all of this technology to basically replace devices that I had in the past which worked just fine.
Harrison Ford

If you're going to define me properly, you must think in terms of my failures as well as my successes.
Harrison Ford

We have been led to believe that we have come a long way toward world nuclear disarmament. But that is not the case. Our government is not doing all that it could. We must urge our leaders to fulfill the obligations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The United States must assume world leadership to end once and for all the threat of nuclear war. It is our moral responsibility.
Harrison Ford

What's important is to be able to see yourself, I think, as having commonality with other people and not determine, because of your good luck, that everybody is less significant, less interesting, less important than you are.
Harrison Ford

You may get real tired watching me, but I'm not going to quit.
Harrison Ford

What I observed about my fellow actors was that most gave up very easily.
Harrison Ford

Failures are inevitable. Unfortunately, in film they live for ever and they're 40 ft wide and 20 ft high.
Harrison Ford

I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up.
Harrison Ford

I get mad when people call me an action movie star. Indiana Jones is an adventure film, a comic book, a fantasy.
Harrison Ford

There comes a point when you've exhausted your opportunities playing good guys. I've been around long enough, I think I'm entitled to explore a bit. But what I saw there was an opportunity to play a character different from what the audience's expectation was. A chance to take their crude experience of me - of my iconography, if you will - and turn it on its ear at an appropriate juncture in the film to be useful to the process of telling the story.
Harrison Ford

The loss of anonymity is something that nobody can prepare you for. When it happened, I recognized that I'd lost one of the most valuable things in life. To this day, I'm not all that happy about it
Harrison Ford

The kindest word to describe my performance in school was Sloth.
Harrison Ford

I don't think I've mastered anything. I'm still wrestling with the same frustrations, the same issues, the same problems as I always did. That's what life is like.
Harrison Ford

Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself.
Harrison Ford

I'm like old shoes. I've never been hip. I think the reason I'm still here is that I was never enough in fashion that I had to be replaced by something new.
Harrison Ford

You always have to know what the ambition of the scene is, what the purpose of that scene is in the telling of the story overall, so that you're there to support the story.
Harrison Ford

[After playing Indiana Jones and Han Solo] hero image concerns me a little, though not for my sake. All it means to me is that I have a responsibility not to get caught doing anything terrible and thereby jeopardise my credentials. Not that I do terrible things, like running over dogs or anything like that. It just makes you think twice before you say or do things in public.
Harrison Ford

You know how a woman gets a man excited? She shows up.
Harrison Ford

You have to have the darkness for the dawn to come.
Harrison Ford

I believe that the racial injustice which existed such a short time ago probably would have persisted longer if the color barrier had not been broken in baseball.
Harrison Ford